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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/05 05:53:09
Dear Rose,
I'm so excited when getting your e-mail. I have never expected you would write to me so soon. So it really makes me happy for a daylong time.
As the matter of fact, it's my pleasure to be your friend. In order to let you know more about me, I'd like to share something with you.
My hobby is reading. I think that with wide knowledge, we can achieve our dreams and open a brand-new world easily. And I do well in maths. I do enjoy it.
As for my family, there're my father,mother,me and a 16-year-old elder brother who is a fever of basketball. Sometimes I play it with my brother as well as our friends.
Oh,by the way, I'm now studying in an university.The school is pretty good. It has a very large library so that I can continue my hobby here. Besides, we enjoy good study environment with the help of our teachers and ourselves.
I'm really looking forwards to get your reply as soon as possible. Any way, I have a strong sence that we will become true and best friends.
Love from,
求高中英语作文急人啊假如你叫李萍,你收到一位名叫Rose的美国学生的来信,她想了解你的有关情况并和你交朋友.请你根据下面 翻译下面的句子:1午饭后我上英语颗2我喜欢和朋友一起打篮球3 顺便说一声,你愿意和我一起去看电影么 4 他有时发电子邮件 英语作文:假如你是刘佳,你收到美国笔友彼得(Peter)发来的电子邮件. 急英语作文:假如你是来自美国的交换生Jenny已在中国学习生活了半年请你给你美国的好友Rose发一封电子邮件 英语作文 见下假如你是李明,爱好旅游.你的美国朋友杰克想了解一下你旅行时的情况.请你发一封电子邮件和他交流一下.1你喜欢 你喜欢和什么样的人交朋友? 假如你叫mary,请给你的笔友rose写一封信,简要介绍你自己的年龄 生日 爱好 喜欢的电影等情况 可适当发挥,70 以Mary 的名义给Rose写一封感谢信,内容如下:1.感谢你的好朋友Rose在你生日聚会时送给你一个MP 英语作文假如你(Wang Ling)有一个澳大尼亚朋友(Rose),她来信问你中国夏天的天气情况,请你回信.要求:1语句 英语作文 假如你是李华你的笔友前不久给你寄了一份新年礼物 他发电子邮件询问你是否收到, 内 英语作文  假如你是李华你的笔友前不久给你寄了一份新年礼物 他发电子邮件询问你是否收到, 内 我不确定你是否已经收到我发的两封电子邮件 英语怎么说?