作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:10:29
未来的生活多美好   在未来的世界里,一切事物都非常新鲜!人们将活到整100岁.世界上只有中国.全世界的人们都说普通话.每个人家中都有机器人来干各种家务和作饭.人们将不用纸钱,买任何东西都只用一张信用卡.孩子们将不用去上学,他们将在电脑上听课.所有家庭都用的是可视门和可视电话.汽车是全自动的,只要叉上钥匙,说出去哪,它就会去哪!!
解题思路: 首先要知道英语单词的拼写,再次要注意句子的结构。
The life in the future is mor beautiful
In the future, everything is very fresh in the world. The people will live to be 100 years old. There is only a country - China. The people all over the world speak PuTongHua. Every home will have a robot to do all kinds of housework and do some cooking. People won't use money. They can buy things with a credit card. Kids won't go to school. they will have lessons on computers. All families will use visualization doors and video phones. All the cars are automatic. As long as you put the keys to the cars, tell where to go, and it will go.