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翻译中文!I am a heavy boy I often feel tired and don't want to d

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 14:33:09
I am a heavy boy I often feel tired and don't want to do anything Ang I cannot follow the teaohers is class My mother tells me to exercise with her early in the morning She often says that my grandfather is pretty healthy because he runs every day Iremember my mother's words I try to get up early every day and run with her in the park near my house Now i am feeling better doing sports really makes big differentes to my sutdy as well as my health.And running can really help us keep in good health
我是个胖小子,我经常觉得累并且不想做任何事,在班级里我不能跟上老师的调子,我老母告诉我跟她一起在早晨的时候晨练,她经常说我的祖父很健康就是因为他煤炭跑步,记下我老母的话之后我试着早起然后去跟她在我家附近的公园跑步,现在我感觉做体育运动好很多多了 ,而且对我的学习确实有很大改变,跑步确实能帮助我们保持好健康