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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:46:00
2, B to ensure unrestricted access to any audit-related records, documents and other information required.
3, Party A has made to its management and audit of the statement be confirmed in writing.
4, B sent to the relevant staff to provide the necessary working conditions and assistance will be major issues in the B field before the start of the list.
5, in accordance with the agreement of the book agreed to pay in full and on time, as well as audit fees during the audit B in the transportation, accommodation and other related costs.
Third, the responsibility and obligation B
(A) the responsibility of Party B
1, B is the responsibility of the implementation of the audit work on the basis of Party A to the financial statements of the audit opinion. B according to the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants Auditing Standards (hereinafter referred to as Auditing Standards) of the audit. Auditing standards require certified public accountants to comply with professional ethics, planning and implementation of the audit to whether the financial statements are no significant fault has been reported to obtain reasonable assurance.
2, the audit work related to the implementation of audit procedures in order to obtain financial statements and disclosure of the amount of audit evidence. The choice depends on the audit process to determine the B, including as a result of fraud or error led to the financial statements to assess the risk of material misstatement. Conducting risk assessments, B to consider the preparation of financial statements and related internal controls in order to design appropriate audit procedures, but not on the effectiveness of internal controls to express their views. An audit also includes management's evaluation of the selection of appropriate accounting policies and to make the reasonableness of accounting estimates, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
3, B need a reasonable plan and perform the audit in order to be able to access the full B, appropriate audit evidence, whether the financial statements for the Party there is no reasonable assurance of material misstatement.
4, B has the responsibility to the audit report found that specified by the Party in respect of major companies did not follow accounting standards and "enterprise accounting system," the preparation of financial statements and not B's proposal to adjust.
5, due to the nature of the testing and auditing of the other inherent limitations, as well as the inherent limitations of internal controls, there is inevitably some of the material misstatement in the audit may still not been found in B risk.
6, in the course of the audit, Party A Party B if the existence of internal control defects important that the Party B, Party A shall be submitted to the management proposal. B, but in the management of the various proposals put forward, does not mean that the full description of all possible defects or all feasible recommendations for improvement. Party A Party B in the implementation of the improvement proposals put forward before a comprehensive assessment of their impact. B without a written permission of the Party shall provide to any third-party B issued by the management proposal.