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On a January morning Joel wit the other three fishermen got

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 19:22:34
On a January morning Joel wit the other three fishermen got on a fishing boat.The first few hours on the sea were not __39__.Then there was a terrible storm.The storm lasted for 22 days.When it stopped,they found their fishing nets were __40__.The engine(发动机)and the radio didn’t work.There was no food,and there was no drinking water.
The men talked to each other,“How can we live on the sea?” Without their nets,the men couldn’t fish.But they could __41__ out of the boat and catch big turtles.They needed protection from the sun and rain,so they built a simple roof.The roof __42__ rainwater,too.The men could drink rainwater __43__ the roof.
For the next five __44__ the men ate turtles when they caught them.They drank rainwater---when it rained.__45__ there was no food and no water,and sometimes they thought they were going to die soon.
Joel wrote a letter to his wife.“My dear Edith,” Joel wrote.“_46__ I die,I hope someone will send you this letter.Then you will know __47__ I died.I had the best in life-a great woman and beautiful children.I love you really.”
Ten days past,on June 15,a Japanese fishing boat found them.__48__ sent Joel’s letter to his wife.He showed it to her himself.Joel will always __49__the letter.The letter,he says,__50__ him remember.“On the sea I found that I love my wife and children very ,very much.My family is everything to me.I don’t want to forget that.
39.A.unusual B.unlucky C.quiet D.safe
40.A.broken B.missed C.gone D.left
41.A.leave B.work C.come D.reach
42.A.saved B.held C.got D.carried
43.A.in B.from C.under D.below
44.A.hours B.days C.weeks D.months
45.A.Often B.Only C.Once D.Suddenly
46.While B.Before C.If D.Since
47.A.why B.how C.where D.when
48.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody
49.A.bring B.keep C.take D.remember
50.A.lets B.has C.helps D.hopes
39.C(后面一句说“然后有一场可怕的暴风雨” 可见前面就是说海面不平静)
40.B(第二段Without their nets没有了网 可见渔网已经丢失了missed)
41.D(reach out of伸出;意思是把船开出去,抓海龟)
43.C(under the roof在屋顶下喝水)
44.B(最后一段说ten day past提示这里过了五天 其它的时间不可能吧)
47.C(他在这个岛上写的信 应该是让妻子知道他会是在哪里死的吧)
48.D(He showed it to her himself.他亲自把信拿给妻子.所以说Japanese fishing boat里nobody没有人把信给她)
50.A(lets him remember让他记得)
再问: 你做的比我好多了,我15错11. 给你个网址,这上面说的都快让我吐血了。 http://gaokao.xdf.cn/200504/33141.html 40题。说miss要表示丢失要用现在分词。 43题。根据语法点要用from(这句话不理解) 45题。后面有sometimes,前面对应也要表示频率的词。所以选often。 等会一定采纳你。这个网站上说的
再答: 哇,我也错好多,我也只是个大一学生啦哈哈~ 40题网址的意思是如果要用miss就要填missing这种现在分词形式,(be missing失踪)(在这之前我是不知道这个知识点的- -) 哦,43题,原来是这样,我觉得是他出题的问题了,如果是选from,这要解释成“从屋顶喝水”,如果我出题,要from是答案的话,是要把前面的drink改成get的,这样才能解释成“从屋顶上取水喝” 45题填often真的解释不到了,我没学过是要这样对应的,原谅你学姐我吧~~~
再问: 0.0 非常感谢你~~~