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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 23:43:24
Nash是一名非常diligent的球员,两次当选最有价值球员就是对他的刻苦努力最好的肯定.作为一名身体素质一般的白人球员,为了能保持良好的竞技状态和适应高强度的比赛,他只有通过不断地训练来做到这些.这也就是为什么他已经37岁了,却依然宝刀不老的原因.(这里的宝刀不老 请高手看着翻译吧,语言地道一些就行~)他也很considerate,他的传球能力极其强,他能帮助身边的队友打的更好,我想这是他最伟大的一点.在组织进攻能力上,我想没有人能比他做的更好,他所在的球队一直是联盟中进攻效率最好的球队.他的Amiable也是我很敬佩的,无论是在比赛场上还是在平日里,他都是一位谦谦君子,当受到对手十分粗暴的犯规后,他不会去马上和对方争斗,而经常是一笑了之.
Steve Nash, a very diligent basketball player, winning MVP for twice is the best present to award his diligence. As a white player whose physical constitution is not as excellent as black men, he has to train hard continually to maintain good playing condition so that he could adapt high-intensive matches. That’s why he is still at the height of his powers despite that he is 37 years old. He is also a considerate guy who is an excellent passer, helping his teammates get more chances to score, which in my opinion is the greatest point on him. In terms of organizing ability, I think no one can compare with him, and that’s why his team is always ranking one of the most effective teams in scoring in the union. Another reason I admire him is that he is very amiable. Whatever in the game or out of the field, he is always so gentle that even he is attacked by the opponent’s attactive fouls, he always laughs off rather than to fight back.
体育英语是我最感兴趣的题材,Steve Nash,我当年看球时到现在还依然在场上保持良好状态为数不多的球星.只是看着如今太阳今非昔比的战绩,不得不感慨岁月催人老啊.融入了个人情感的文字,不管是原创还是翻译都是有魅力的.希望我的翻译能让你满意~