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英语翻译This is most strikingly apparent when the poem’s speaker

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 18:33:20
This is most strikingly apparent when the poem’s speaker,at this point using the trope of the prospect view claimed in the first 117 lines of the poem,turns from sketching the progress of a day to a more ambitious topic:“bid[ding] recording Memory unfold/ Her scroll voluminous” (119-20).The speaker-poet here reveals her slippery diction:Memory refers not to personal memory,the history of the poet,but to a kind of public memory,History itself,beginning with the Norman invasion of Saxon England.Or,as the Poet has it,“when from Neustria’s hostile shore/ The Norman launch’d his galleys,and the bay/ O’er which that mass of ruin frowns even now/ In vain and sullen menace,then received/ The new invaders” (121-5).The Poet,grandiose and obscure,here institutes a policy of deliberate erudition:not Normandy but Neustria,and within the next few lines,not Sicily but Trinacria,not Naples but Parthenope (128,130).The Poet devotes herself to a specifically poetic diction; the Historian of the notes quickly shows her impatience with such ornate elegance.Interjecting “Pevensey Castle” when the Poet mentions “that mass of ruin,” yet doing so only in her note (Poetry,158),she then anticipates the Poet’s following vignette of only 5½ lines with a massive flow of information.Before the speaker even mentions “Scandinavia,” the Historian interrupts with four paragraphs of material that quickly moves on from Scandinavian invaders to those from “the coasts of Provence and Sicily” who in the year 844 “penetrated even to Paris:and the unfortunate Charles the Bald,king of France,purchased at a high price,the retreat of the banditti he had no other means of repelling” (Poetry,158).There follows a very full paragraph that moves from “Rollo,otherwise Raoul” and his enlightened rule of “Neustria,since called Normandy” and Brittany; to the Crusades and the Norman rescue of Salerno from the “bas[e] and coward[ly]” “Mahometans” in 983; to the movement of “other bodies of Normans … into Sicily (anciently called Trinacria);” to the conquest of “the fertile island of Sicily” by “three brothers of Countance,the sons of Tancred de Hauteville,Guillaume Fier-a-bras,Drogon,and Humfroi” and the subsequent possession by the Normans of “Naples (Parthenope).” The Historian cannot resist the attractions of plain history; despite announcing that “How William,the natural son of Robert,duke of Normandy,possessed himself of England,is too well known to be repeated here,” she tells the tale anyway,and finishes in the present day:“In a marsh not far from Hastings,the skeletons of an armed man and horse were found a few years since,which are believed to have belonged to the Normans…” (Poetry,159).The Historian then pauses for breath,having comprehensively countered the Poet’s worrying tendency to skip the details in favour of the abstract vista encouraged by the prospect view.
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