作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

小题1:Having struggled for years, he r________  himself o

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 01:36:45

小题1:Having struggled for years, he r________  himself of his whole debt.  
小题2:This room is e_________  with air conditioner.
小题3:I’m sorry I don’t know you. Maybe you are _________ (confuse) me with someone else.
小题4:We must learn to be ____________(consider) and care more about others. 
小题5:Although he speaks English fluently, he is not of British or America _______ (nation). 
小题6:The postman rang the bell because he had a package to _________ (投递).
小题7:Professor, would you like to make a  _________(评论) on this plan?  
小题8:What Madam Curie did ________(激励) many women to struggle for their scientific dreams at that time.
小题9:The export trade of farm produce in China is continuously ___________ (扩大)。
小题10:I find _______  _________  _______ he is able to work so hard with so little sleep. (我觉得很奇怪)
小题11:Only when you spare no effort ________  ________  ________ great progress in your study. (你才能在学习上取得大的进步)
小题12:He _________  _________ overcome all difficulties at last. (成功地)
小题13:He is not the person I _________  ________  just now.  (我刚才提到的那个人)
小题14:It is _________  ________  take such an entertaining journey.  (是值得的)
小题15:This computer game is __________  _________ students in Art Department. (专门给艺术系的学生使用的)
小题16:The micro blog, as well as other networking services, _______  _______ a more and more important role in daily communication. (正起着越来越重要的作用)

小题1: rid









小题10:it strange that

小题11:can you make

小题12:managed to

小题13:referred to

小题14:worthwhile to 

小题15:intended for

小题16:is playing