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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:54:55
Dear Wang Qiang,
Thank you for your letter.
I am sorry to hear about your quarelling parents and your problems caused by their sour relationships.
Firstly, you need to let them cool down. When they are cool, you will find it easier to talk to them.
Please tell them that you love them very much. You do not like to see they quarell all the time. This is bad for the family, and bad for you.
Tell them also that they need to have a heart-to-heart talk between them, to solve issues which caused the 'war'.While you promise to study hard, you have to tell them that you need a peaceful home to stay, rest and do homework etc.
There is no problem which cannot be solved. You tell them that they should think for the family first, instead of fighting over small matters.
If you can find them, please show your parents the family photographs. This is to remind them of the happy family you all have.Hopefully your parents will realize that the whole family must be their top priorities, and your future is determined by them.
I will stop here and hope to hear from you real soon.
Warmest regards.
Li Hua
(1) top priorities = 最优先(事项)
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