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What's the difference between ratio and rate?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 10:07:50
What's the difference between ratio and rate?
Rate是率,速率啊什么的.抄了百度两个句子.The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour.The unemployment rate is rising in that country.Ratio是比,就是数学上的那个.The ratio of 15 to 5 is 3 to 1.15:5=3:1
Rate是率,速率at the rate of 以.的速度birth rate 出生率unemployment rate 失业率Ratio是比,数学上常用的比.The ratio of 15 to 5 is 3 to 1.15:5=3:1
rate是百分比的意思 比率ratio是比例 几比几例如:The maternal mortality rate is 6% in this region.这个地区母亲的死亡率是百分之6.The Ratio of 50 and 30 is 5:3.50比上30等于5比3.
ratio指“比率”,通常强调某个部分在一大个整体中所占的地位,一般是通过与其对立或者相关部分的比较而言,例如:The ratio of men to women in this department is very high.(这个部门中,男女比例很高)rate是使用最频繁的一个词,它可以指“速度”“率”例子:The can runs at an average rate of 100km per hour.(汽车以每小时100千米的平均速度行驶)(rate的这个意义就相当于speed)criminal rate/divorce rate/unemployment rate 犯罪率、离婚率、失业率(rate所指的“率”一般是就部分在整体中的地位而言,不涉及比较)