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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 17:32:54
The rapid development of economy and society results in the significant
improvement of women’s social status . More and more women begin to choice their
new life . They go out to work rather than stay at home . They do not depend on men .
At the same time , they have more works to do because they need to do house work ,
but in my opinion house work should not only do with women because women and
men have same right . Men also need to do housework and take care of children .
They have responsibility to take care of their families and earn money but some men
think they only duty that is earning money . So they hope their wives do all of
housework . Through long time ,wives will be sick of this kind of life .They think that
they are servitors rather than husbands’ wives . That result in divorcement .
I believe that marriage sustain for husband and wife .It need to be considerate of
each other .Qua husband who has duty to take care of his family and has enough
money to support family . In daily life , he should understand his wife and maintains
emotion with wife .He ought to learn how to decline modestly and treat his wife
undivided attention .

If I marry with a men who must love me and I love him . He must know how to
take care of me and child . He has responsibility to teach child and do housework
rather than push all duty to his wife . The most important thing is that he know
understand wife and has enough money to support family . I don’t care what job he do
but he must has his goal .
她们宁可选择出去工作,. 而不愿呆在家里.. 他们不愿依靠男人.
, ,她们肩上的担子更重了,.因为她们除了工作,同时还要兼顾家务活.
在我看来,家务活不应当只是由妇女承担的,男女应该是平等的 . 男人也应该干家务及照顾孩子的.
他们有义务去照顾自己的家庭,他们有义务去赚钱养家.但一些男人认为他们的责任只是赚钱.. 所以他们就希望他们的妻子承担所有家务活
长此以往,妻子们厌倦了这种生活.她们认为与其说她们是妻子还不如说她们是象仆人, 这造成很多夫妇离婚.
I 我认为婚姻是属于丈夫和妻子两人共有的..俩人应该相互体谅. .

. 他应该学会宛然谢绝(谢绝什么?).他要一心一意对待他的妻子
.他有责任去教导小孩做家务,而不是一味把活推给我 .最重要的一点就是他要能理解他的妻子及在生活上让她无后顾之忧. I 我才不管他是干啥工作的.只要他是有理想的人就行了.