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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 11:15:41
厦门是一座美丽的城市;厦门是一座快乐的城市;厦门是一座娱乐的城市,厦门因鼓浪屿而绽放生机,六年级寒假日记.鼓浪屿位于厦门岛西南隅,与厦门市隔海相望.鼓浪屿原名圆沙洲、圆洲仔,因海西南有海蚀洞受浪潮冲击,声如擂鼓,明朝雅化为今名.小岛还是音乐的沃土,人才辈出,钢琴拥有密度居全国之冠,又得美名钢琴之岛、音乐之乡.岛上气候宜人四季如春,无车马喧嚣,有鸟语花香,素有海上花园之誉.屿上龙头山、升旗山和鸡母山并列,冈峦起伏,碧波、白云、绿树交相辉映,处处给人以整洁幽静的感觉.我们来到了厦门标志性的景点------日光岩前.日光岩又名晃岩,为鼓浪屿最高点,顶端海拔96米.山上巨石嵯峨,叠成洞壑.树木葱郁,亭台掩映.拾级而登,先至莲花庵,一片瓦巨石嵌空,形成殿堂,庵旁巨石镌刻鼓浪洞天、鹭江第一;庵后有鹭江龙窟、古避暑洞诸胜.离开了日光岩,漫步在小路上,慢慢地来到了港仔后海滨浴场,这里海风习习、金波荡漾、阳光暖暖.港仔后宽阔沙滩上,砂质细软、坡缓浪平、海水流速小,每年有5个半月海水温在20℃以上,是理想天然海滨浴场.迎着习习的海风,暖暖的阳光,我们登上了返航的游船,但鼓浪屿的美丽景色将永留在我的心间.我早早的写完了今天的作业,爬在桌子上,玩弄着桌子上的玩偶.妈妈对我说:宝贝,我出去一下,你在加好好听话啊.说完便匆匆忙忙的走了.望着妈妈匆忙离开的背影,我想:妈妈平时工作这么忙,不如让我帮妈妈分担一些什么吧.心里这样想着,我从凳子上跳起来,扫视了一下这房间,嗯,地好脏啊不如让我托一下吧.我拿了墩布,到水池那里去涮,哎呀,脏水溅了我一身,讨厌,不拖了.我心里不禁烦躁了起来,可是转念一想,妈妈天天这样拖,不是更嘞吗?哎,算了,从新拿起墩布,小心翼翼让它浸湿了,然后从里屋开始,一点一点的墩.不知不觉,我的手都有点麻木了.我想起平时妈妈墩的时候的样子,一点一点,一丝不苟的墩,顿完后还要涮,干完活还不歇着,洗衣做饭,样样都要做,妈妈真是太不容易了.好不容易拖完,涮完,我累的瘫在了沙发上.想想自己平时一点都不讲卫生的样子,视频包装袋随地乱扔,吃完的橘子剩下的橘子皮,也随手丢在一边,到头来还是妈妈在收拾,我好惭愧啊,以后,我会帮妈妈多干一些活,减少妈妈的负担,让妈妈好好歇歇.This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:go on, you must belive that you can do it. So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best.Today i went to the museum.I met some robots. I think I am also be able to have a robot in many years.I think they can help me do some dishes .They also can help with my homework.A good robot can make me happy.When i am upset ,they can tell jokes for me.I will have more free time to have a relax.Today i took the bus to the park. Some people were waiting for the bus at the bus stop.When a young girl came,she spat a gum on the ground While she was waiting,she herself stepped on the gum.The gum stuck to one of her foot.When the bus came , she got on the bus. Then she discovered the gum stuck her foot all the time.Today,I"m going shopping with my mother, We buy some apples bananas and a big watermelon.I"m buying some new books ,because I like reading interesting books very much.Then we get home.I"m very happy! Oh, my god. I finish this dairy at 12:00 in the night. I will write thirty passages three days later. It’s a good beginning. I remembered the word: practices makes perfect. If I can make perfect, I will smile in bed. Ha, ok, it’s time to make my homepage now, I must build my homepage because I paid my hobbies: play game and Ping pang ball for building homepage. If I can’t build it well, it’s worst for me.:Oh,good. I\'ve wroten thrity messages now. Everything is hard when it begin. The summer holiday will go away and I\'m very hard think of it. Not every holiday could so full as this one. I think when I go to the high school, I can speak good english and write good word.|Today I began to learn Li Yang English. At first I was very afraid because my English is not very well. But after ten minutes, I was not afraid it, the lesson is not as hard as I think. Instead, it is so easy that I can remember twenty sentences in fifteen minutes. After it .My mother ask me some English questions, I can answer it quickly except two of them. Now I am writing my first English dairy. I hope I can write it everyday. Why not write it with me, classmates?Today I have to do much housework. First wash the clothes , then cook the meal、tidy the room,小学六年级作文《六年级寒假日记》.In the afternoon, I met a friend named dengyuming. We played computer game all the afternoon. When all the things have been finished, I only want to go to sleep because it is ten now. But when I began to sleep, I remembered that the computer wasn’t close. So I could only stand up and close it. Then I was fall asleep. Now, I hope everything goes well!Why we must study all the day? We can only have free time when we have lunch and super. Sometimes I nearly have no time to go to sleep. In our life, there is only work. Nothing else. Today I read the passage, I can only say:that’s too bad. Is it? I think we should work for everybody, not ourselves. If we work for ourselves, we cannot work for long and good. For example: maozedong, zhouenlai and so on. I wish we could work as them.Today I go to shopping with my friend. When we are walking in the street, a girl comes to us, and says to us: Could you help me? We feel amazed. Then the girl tells us she was walking with her mother just before, but she does not know where is her mother now. She looks like very anxious, and wears tear in her eyes. So we believe she at last. Besides, we lend her ten yuan to take a tax to home. We feel so good, because we can help someone. But a unacceptable matter is happen at last. When we are ready go back home, come out from a shop, we see a girl whom we meet before are saying the same word to another people.I didn\'t get up until my brother came.Because last nighr I fell asleep too late.Last night,I saw the movie-"Bank of brother",so I fell asleep at12:40. My brother came here and played with me.We plaued the computer games from 9:30 to 11:30.We were very happy.After lunch,we watched TV.Aboule 3:00,we went to play basketball to playground.From 3:30 to 5:30.OH!I am very very tired now!I wanted to have a good rest.Yesterday I had a cold , I just lay down and rest in bed . Today is morning , his mother take he to hospital to see a doctor . The doctor look over and gave some medicine . Then I have some medicine . At night I am better than yesterday . I can do my home work .At last,I can keep a dog.It is from my uncle.It is white with black spots.I name it Angel.I walk it for about 15 minutes after supper everyday.I give it a bath every three days.I must keep it clean,or Mother says I can\'t keep it.