作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:04:39
3.We ______(come)home by taxi last night,becaues we _______(miss)the last bus.
4.I didn't sccept his invitation(接受邀请),because I_______(accept)yours.
5.We couldn't answer the policeman's quesyions because we______(see)anything.
6.We__(take)our litter brother to the hospital because we_______(swallow)a coin.
7.The planefrom Paris_________(land)whenwe _______(reach)the airport.
8.My brother____never____(be)abroad before he____(feel)a litter homesick.
9.The thieves______(run)away before thepolicemen_______(arrive).
10.Jerry______(eat)all the food before his mother___(enter)the room.
3 came had missed
4 accepted
5 hadn't seen
6 took swallowed
7 had landed reached
8 had been felt
9 had run arrived
10 had eaten entered