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My favorite subject.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:08:02
My favorite subject.
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再答: My favourite subject is mathematics, I always feel excited everytime before the mathematics lesson begins. This perticular subject is very fun to me as I like to deal with numbers and mathematical theroems. As the subject representative of my class, I always produce fantastic results and my mathematics teacher always praises me for the hardwork that I have put in. I wish to study deeper about this subject and hope that I will be an outstanding mathematics teacher next time. 我最喜欢的科目要数数学了,每次数学课开始之前我都会十分的兴奋。这门课目对我来说十分的有趣因为我喜欢跟数字和数学的理论打交道。身为数学课代表,我总是交出很棒的成绩。我的数学老师总是夸奖我在数学上所下的苦工。我希望能更深入的学习这门课目,并且希望以后能成为一名杰出的数学老师。 (希望你能满意!)