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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 18:02:47
———月考试题,因为是打上去的,可能有问题! ————还有就是,格式不齐,请老师谅解! 【老师让回家改,没给答案,我就对了一半,希望老师详细讲解下为什么选这个?】 The old woman was wandering in the shop .She was ____ ,her clothes were torn ,she gave off a strong___ of alcohol and cigarettes,most of her teeth teeth were____ The image of a miserable person __before me . She stopped and asked me for __ .I gave her some change and invited her to lunch . She __,so we went across the street to an outdoor cafe .The waitress was __ by the presence of this woman and did not want to serve us ,but __herself .The old woman had the lunch so __ that the food disappeared almost as soon as it arrived 。 When we were ready to leave,I was feeling pretty __ about myself and then she asked for a ___.It was then that I had to face all the __bias .I had for this woman .I gave her a passing type of hug ,___ I immediately felt shame .She __me for lunch and began to leave . I stood there for a moment and __ I had failed to give this woman the one thing that__ Nothing –love .I caught up with her and asked if I could give her a ___hug and she sgreed .I got past the strong smell and gave her the best hug I”ve wver given to___.Now i saw a big smile on her face and it lit my path as we ___. The lesson I learned was that if you are going to __,then give it your all and get it right the first time 1 A.brave B.shy C.attractive D.dirty 2 A.sence B.skill Csmell Dmessage 3 A.staying B.missing C.growing D.shaking 4A.appered B.fell C.changed Dexisted 5A.advice Bgifts C.grettings D.money 6 A.doubuted B.agreed C.excaped D.refused 7 A.moved B.questioned C.shocked D.frightened 8 A.allowed B.forced C.warned D.admired 9 A.quickly B.hardly C.freely Deasily 10 A.funny B.cold C.strange D.good 11Acigarette B.hug Ccoffee D.smile 12A.serious B.mentioned C.false D.hidden 13A.but B.so C.though Dbecause 14A.praised B.paid C.thanked D.returned 15A.realized B.deserved Cearned D.lost 16Acost B.lost C.deserved Dearned 17.A.friedly B.real Cspecial D.popular 18A.myself B.her C.anyone D.nobody 19Aaeparated B.met C.rested D.stood 20Atake B.experience C.charge D.give
解题思路: 如下
生词短语:wander 徘徊,闲逛 torn 衣服破的 change 零钱 pretty 非常,很 hug 拥抱
1 D。上下文语境题。她浑身很脏,根据下文:torn, alcohol, cigarette , miserable 。
2 C。词义辨析题。sense 感觉 skill 技巧 smell 气味 message 信息
3 B。上下文语境题。她的大部分牙齿都没了。根据下文:the image of a miserable person. 一个可怜的人的形象。
4 A。词义辨析题。appear出现 。一个可怜人的形象出现在我面前。 fell 落下 ;change 变化;改变; existed 存在。
5D。上下文语境题。根据下文:some change 一些零钱。
6B。上下文语境题。根据下文:so we went across the street to an outdoor café. 我们一起去了一家露天餐馆。
7C。情境题。做此题要注意分析女服务员的心理:乞丐竟然也来下饭馆,感到震惊,十分惊讶,因此下文:and didn’t want to serve us.不想给我们服务。frightened 被吓坏了的,十分害怕的,此意程度太深,还不至于达到这个程度。
8B。上下文语境题。上文提到她不想服务我们,用but转折,表示不得不服务,因为没有规矩说乞丐不可以下饭馆,herself 是反身代词,返回到女服务生本人,所以,尽管不愿意,也不得不强迫自己为我们服务了。
9 A。上下文语境题。她吃得很快,下文提示:菜一到就光了。
11 B。上下文语境题。下文12空前提示:hug。
13A。连词考查。应付差事的拥抱,但马上感觉到惭愧。用but表转折。though 表示让步。退一步说之义。
14 C。情境推理题。我请她吃了饭,她应该感谢我。praise 表扬,赞美;paid(pay)付钱;
return 归还,返回
15A。词语辨析。realize 认识到; dreamt (dream)梦想;forgot 忘记;wonder想知道,纳闷,后接if或whether。
16A。词义辨析题。cost 花费。作者所给予老妇人的那份真情,不必花费任何代价。lost丢失;deserve 应该得到 ; earn 挣得。
18C。考查习惯表达。和汉语习惯不同。I’ve ever given to anybody. 我从未给过任何人的。
19A。词义辨析题。separate 分开,分手;met 遇到,会见;rested;休息;stood 站立。
20 D。词义辨析题。take 索取;experience经历;charge 收费;give给予。