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一道英文题1.Cleanliness is next to godliness.A.Responsibility2.A

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 00:34:48
1.Cleanliness is next to godliness.A.Responsibility
2.A penny saved is apenny earned.B.Good sportsmanship
3.Time is money.C.Wariness
4.Don't cry over spilt milk.D.Initiative
5.waste not want not.E.Concern for physical
6.Early to bed,early to rise,makes appearance
a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.F.Originality
7.God helps those who help themselves.G.Cleanliness
8.It's not wheather you win or lose,H.Practicality--don't be too
but how you play the game.eager
9.A man's home is his castle.I.Prepare for the future
10.You've made your bed,now lie in it.J.Practicality--what's done
11.Don't count your chickens before is done
they hatch.K.Privacy
12.If at first you don't succed,try,L.Persistence
try again.M.Diligence
13.The squeaky wheel gets the grease.N.Thriftiness--spend monry
14.There's more than one way to skin carefully
a cat.O.Thriftiness--save time
15.A stitch in time saves nine.P.Prevention
16.All that glitters is not gold.Q.Frugality
17.Clothes make the man.R.Aggressiveness
18.Take care of today and tomorrow
will take care of itself.