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完形填空开头是A store owner was putting……出在那张试卷

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 14:27:07
完形填空开头是A store owner was putting……出在那张试卷
A store owner was putting a sign “Puppies For Sale” above his door. Signs like that have a way of 1 small children, and 2 enough, a little boy appeared under the store owner’s sign. “ 3 are you going to sell the puppies for?” he asked.The store owner replied, “Anywhere from $30 4 $ 50.”The little boy 5 in his pocket and pulled out some 6 . “I have $ 2.37,” he said. “ 7 I please look at them?”The store owner 8 and whistled and out came a mother dog, 9 by five puppies. One puppy was obviously far 10. Immediately the little boy showed great interest in the puppy and said, “What’s 11 with that little dog?”The store owner explained that the veterinarian (兽医) had 12 the little puppy and discovered it was born with disability. It would always be lame. The little boy became 13 “That’s the little puppy that I want to buy.”The store owner said, “If you really want him, I’ll just give him to you for free.”The little boy got quite upset. He looked 14 into the store owner’s eyes, and said, “I don’t want you to give him to me. That little dog is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and I’ll pay 15 price. In fact I’ll give you $2.37 now, and 50 cents a month 16 I have him paid for.”The store owner answered, “You really don’t want to buy this little dog. He is 17 going to be able to jump and play with you like the other puppies.”To his surprise, the little boy reached 18 and rolled up his pant leg to show a badly twisted, crippled (残疾的) left leg 19 by a big metal brace . He looked up at the store owner and softly replied, “Well, I don’t run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who 20 !”1. A. exciting B. attracting C. bargaining D. greeting2. A. sure B. luckily C. good D. strangely3. A. What B. How many C. When D. How much4. A. about B. at C. to D. between5. A. put B. searched C. reached D. filled6. A. coin B. note C. value D. change7. A. Can B. Shall C. Will D. Must8. A. talked B. smiled C. disagreed D. walked9. A. applied B. guided C. followed D. surrounded10. A. behind B. ahead C. lovely D. ugly11. A. the price B. the matter C. the weight D. the name12. A. tested B. studied C. examined D. experimented13. A. excited B. shocked C. worried D. disappointed14. A. straight B. deeply C. closely D. totally15. A. half B. lower C. higher D. full16. A. unless B. after C. until D. once17. A. always B. often C. no D. never18. A. up B. down C. out D. over19. A. supported B. tied C. adjusted D. held20. A. encourages B. satisfies C. understands D. recognizes答案解析:1-5 BADCC 6-10 DABCA 11-15 BCAAD CDBAC 身有残疾的小男孩看到了一只与他同病相怜的小狗,他决定以全价把它买下了,虽然老板愿意免费赠送.残疾人有着与正常人一样的价值和尊严,我们不能歧视他们,这是小男孩带给我们的心灵反思. 1. B 商店老板这样做的目的就是吸引孩子前来购买.2. A sure enough意为“果然如此”,表示事情的发展与预料的相符.3. D 从下文的回答可知,此处小男孩是在询问小狗的价格.4. C from … to …是固定搭配,此处指的是小狗的价格从30美元到50美元不等.5. C 该句句意为“小男孩把手伸进口袋里,拿出一些零钱.”reach in把手伸进.6. D coin可数名词硬币;note可数名词纸币,钞票;value价值;change不可数名词 零钱.7. A 该句句意为“能否让我看一下小狗?”can在此表示“许可”.8. B 从下文内容可知,商店老板同意了小男孩的请求,他微笑着并吹响了口哨.9. C 五只小狗跟随在狗妈妈的身后.10. A 从下文内容可知,这只小狗有残疾,所以落在了最后.11. B 小男孩问“这只小狗怎么了?” what’s the matter with sth./sb.是一个固定句型,用来询问毛病或问题所在.12. C 兽医已经给这只小狗检查过了.examine检查;test测验;study研究;experiment做实验.13. A 从下面小男孩所说的话可知,小男孩很兴奋.14. A 小男孩直视着商店老板的眼睛,这表明小男孩对老板歧视残疾狗非常的不满意.look straight into one‘s eyes直视某人的眼睛.15. D 从上下文内容可知,小男孩认为这只残疾的小狗与其他健康的小狗一样有价值,小男孩不会白要,他会以全价买下来. 16. C 小男孩手头没有足够的钱,他要慢慢地付清;until引导时间状语从句,意为“直到”.17. D 该句句意为“他永远不能蹦跳,不能像其他小狗一样陪你玩耍.”18. B 从下文内容可知,小男孩把手伸向下面.19. A 因为小男孩的左腿有残疾,所以靠一个金属架支撑着.20. C 该句句意为“我自己也不能跑的很好,这只小狗需要一个理解他的人.”)”.