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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 09:23:06
( )hi,amy.nice to see you again. ( )on foot? is your home near the school? ( )how do you go to school,amy? ( )nice to see you too. ( )i ususlly go to school on foot. ( )yes,it"s next to our school. what about you? ( )oh,it"s time four lunch, let"s go! ( )i go to chool by bus. my home is far. ( )good idea!
解题思路: 根据谈话的内容进行先后的排序。注意问句与答语。
( 1 )Hi,Amy.nice to see you again. 你好,艾米,再次见到你很高兴
( 5 )on foot? is your home near the school?步行?你的家离学校近吗?
( 3 )how do you go to school,amy? 艾米,你怎样去上学?
( 2 )nice to see you too.见到你也很高兴
( 4 )i ususlly go to school on foot. 我通常步行去上学。
( 6 )yes,it"s next to our school. what about you? 是的,我家就挨着学校。你呢?
( 8)oh,it"s time four lunch, let"s go! 哦,到了吃午饭的时间了,咱们走吧!
( 7 )i go to chool by bus. my home is far. 我乘公共汽车去上学。我家(离学校)远。
( 9)good idea!好主意!