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whoever whatever .这些词的用法要举例+例句!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 22:37:34
whoever whatever .这些词的用法要举例+例句!
不要这种!whatever 无论什么,whoever 无论谁,whereever 无论哪里,however 无论如何,然而,不管怎样.
I will help you whatever you do.无论你做什么我都会帮你的.
I will believe you whoever you meet.无论你去见谁我都相信你.
I will follow you whereever you go.无论你去哪里我都跟着你.
However big,it's a apple.无论多大,它也就是一个苹果.
He is a thief however dissembling.无论怎么掩饰,他也是小偷.
首先记单词的词性和意思还是很重要的:whatever【pron/adj】无论什么;不管怎样的,所有的.whoever 【pron】无论谁.wherever 【conj/adv】无论哪里.however 【adv/conj】无论如何;然而,不管怎样.词汇可以帮助分析句子,当句子结构分析不明朗时有助理解句意.
The children were allowed to do 【whatever they liked】.孩子们被允许做任何他们喜欢的事.分析句子主体是children be allowed to do sth(孩子们被许可做某事),而whatever chileren like(任何孩子们喜欢的事)充当了这句句子的宾语,指代sth.我们知道从句都可以恢复成一句完整的句子,这里的宾语从句可恢复为children liked to do whatever,代名词whatever在引导宾语从句时被提到了从句前面;children和to do与主句中重复,所以在从句中就可以适当省略.
whatever还可以引导状语从句.I will help you 【whatever you do】.无论你做什么我都会帮你的.中国人可能会比较习惯把‘不管……’这类假设放在结论前面比如wherever you go,i will always be with you不管你去哪儿我都会跟着你.whoever you are,i will love you不管你是谁我都爱你.这是让步状语从句,no matter+疑问词=疑问词-ever,引导让步状语从句表示‘尽管……都……’.一般可以互换即no matter what u do,i will help u=whatever u do,i will help u.
whatever也可以做形容词,表示‘不管怎样的’,比如whatever method you choose,you must consistently stick with it不管你选择何种方法,你都必须坚持一致.当然这句也是让步状语从句,所以句子也可变为no matter what method you choose,you must consistently stick with it.
i'll take 【whoever wants to go】我会带任何想去的人去.主句是i'll take sb我会带上某人,然后whoever引导的宾语从句whoever wants to go(任何想去的人)指代sb.
【whoever is responsible for this】 will be punished任何为此负责的人将受到惩罚.主句是sb will be punished,而whoever引导主语从句whoever is responsible for this指代了sb.
whoever got the ring,i will marry him不管谁取得戒指,我都会嫁给他.whoever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter who got the ring,i will marry him.
sit 【wherever you like】随便找你喜欢的地方坐.sit at some place坐在某处,这儿wherever引导地点状语从句指代了在某处.原句可以恢复为sit where you like(to sit)
children will play 【wherever they happen to be】孩子们不论在哪儿都能玩.同上分析,wherever引导了地点状语从句指代了孩子们玩耍的地方.
wherever the sea is ,you will find seamen.有海就有海员.相当于no matter where the see is,you will find seamen.
wherever you go,you should work hard.不管你到哪儿,都要努力工作.同上=no matther where you go,you should work hard.
however可以是副词或者连接词,做连接词时有‘不管怎样’的意思,相当于no matter how:
you should report any incident,however(no matter how)serious or minor it is你必须上报所以事件,无论大事还是琐事.
we'll have to finish the job,however long it takes.我们得完成这件工作,不管将花费多少时间.
however expensive it may be,I’ll take it.无论它多贵,我都买下了.
however pure the water looks,I do not want to drink it.不管这水看起来多纯净,我都不想喝.
However big(it is),it's a apple.无论多大,它也就是一个苹果.
He is a thief however dissembling (he is).无论怎么掩饰,他也是小偷去.