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求新世纪商务英语简答题 ,有知道的老师们谢谢你们了.囧

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 12:04:25
求新世纪商务英语简答题 ,有知道的老师们谢谢你们了.囧
Final Exam
for EMBA Business Etiquette and
Mar 31,2013
Directions:Please answer the following
questions in English,and write you
answers on the Answer Sheet.用英语简答.请在答题纸上写下您对每一道题的回答
What is Etiquette?
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of HumanNeeds?Why we should observe etiquette rules?
What are the TPO rules ofbusiness dress?.
What is the general introducingorder in terms of gender ,age and seniority?
Case Analysis:How can you introduce them to meet each
other?----1)At a cocktail party,Tim introduce his new boss ,Bill and his officemate,Carol,to meet.(Note:Carol
is a secretary,and she is older than Bill.) 2)John and his boss,Bill,ran
into his beautiful young neighbor,Angela,in the street.How should John introduce them?
5.What are the key elements that should be specified in a formalinvitation letter?
6.How many courses in a formal western dinner composed off?What arethey?
7.What are the eight topics that should avoid sharing with his/herco-workers?
8.What are the issues that you should pay attention to when youarrange the seats for a business meeting?
9.What are the “safe” distances for communications in different humanrelations?
10.What do "EOM" and "FYI" mean in a businessemail?Why do we use these short forms?
Etiquette is the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among menbers of a particular profession.The TPO rules of proper business attire are good pieces of information to have before you dive into the working world. You want to present yourself in a professional and polished manner. The clothes you would wear out to the bar are different than the clothes you would wear to the office. This distinction isn't just important-it could make or break your career.The general introducing order in terms of gender,age and seniority are senior people are first,  followed by ladies and others of different ages.Bill, this is Carol. Carol this is Bill.
5.Names, places and time must be corrrect.
6.three courses, starter, main and dessert.7.personal hobby, personal hobby of family members, political opinions, religions, marriages, eprsonal relations between you and others or between others. sexial life; income. 8.to avoid competetors having seats next to each other.9.a distance of 300-400mm is proper for most occations.10. EOM=End Of Message; FYI=For You Information. Using them to save time and for clarification.

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