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这句话是什么意思?to the end attacked the US and its forces.是从句吗

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 05:03:04
这句话是什么意思?to the end attacked the US and its forces.是从句吗
By agreeing to the deal so quickly, President Ghani is resetting a relationship soured by his predecessor Hamid Karzai, who refused to sign the agreements, and to the end attacked the US and its forces.
从句:【who refused to sign the agreements,and to the end attacked the US and its forces.

1、to the end :副词短语,限定attacked;
2、attacked与refused是并列关系;其主语都是who,即:Hamid Karzai.
再问: 那怎么翻译,to the end attacked the US and its forces.
再答: 是这意思:
Hamid Karzai不仅拒绝签署协议,而且最终还对美及其武装力量发起了攻击。