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求有关new year的英语短剧剧本?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 10:46:46
求有关new year的英语短剧剧本?
Scrooge:Stop!Take me home!Narrator:And Scrooge appeared in his own bedroom.Scrooge:Thank goodness,it was a dream.Narrator:Then the clock struck.Ghost of Christmas Present:No,Ebenezer.It wasn鈥檛 a dream.Scrooge:I suppose you are the Ghost of Christmas Present.Ghost of Christmas Present:Yes,I am.I am the Ghost of Christmas Present.I have much to show you.Grab onto my robe.Hurry!We cannot be late.Narrator:Scrooge touched the hem of the spirit鈥檚 robe.The bedroom vanished,and Scrooge found himself on a busy,snowy street.There were many people shopping for last minute gifts,the stores were still open,people were cooking their best meals,and the bells from the church were striking,everybody was attending church wearing their best clothes.Everybody was happy Scrooge:Everybody looks so happy.Ghost of Christmas Present:Yes,they are.It鈥檚 Christmas.What did you expect?Scrooge:Do you mean that they all are happy just because its December 25?Ghost of Christmas Present:Yes.Today they can forget their problems,and just enjoy being with their families.They just enjoy the food on their tables,and the many blessings they receive.Narrator:Then the Ghost took Scrooge to Bob Crachits house.And standing there at the door,the Ghost proceeded to bless the house.Then Scrooge saw Bob Crachit playing with his children,three boys and two girls.Scrooge:Is this where he lives?Ghost of Christmas Present:Of course,with his salary,this is all he can afford.Narrator:Then Mrs.Crachit entered into the dining room carrying a small turkey on a platter.Scrooge:They look so poor!Their clothes are so old.Ghost of Christmas Present:Love is what you can feel here.Narrator:Bob Crachit lifted the youngest boy from a chair in the corner and carried him to the table.The boy was pale and thin and carried a crutch.Scrooge:What鈥檚 wrong with him?Why doesn鈥檛 he walk?Ghost of Christmas Present:He鈥檚 very sick.His name is Tiny Tim,and his parents don鈥檛 have money for a doctor,so maybe he will die.Scrooge:Die?But there must be something that can be done.Please,tell me if he will die.Ghost of Christmas Present:I see an empty chair in the corner,if the future is not changed,he will certainly die.Scrooge:No!No!Ghost of Christmas Present:What do you care,anyway?That will diminish the world population.Narrator:At that moment Scrooge realized that those were his own words,and felt sorry for himself.Then he heard his name.Bob Crachit:Mr.Scrooge!Thanks to Mr.Scrooge we are having this dinner.Mrs.Crachit:I wish I could see him to thank him personally.Bob Crachit:Dear鈥 children鈥 It`s Christmas!Mrs.Crachit:I know darling.I hope he has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Bob Crachit:Let`s have a toast for our Christmas and for Mr.Scrooge.Merry Christmas,and God Bless us all.Narrator:Meanwile it was getting late.The Ghost took Scrooge through different places so he could see how people celebrated Christmas.People who nevertheless were poor,as Scrooge used to say,they were happy and enjoyed being together with their families and friends.Suddenly,without a warning they stood in a room.Scrooge:I know that voice.It`s my nephew.He`s having a party.Scrooges Nephew:Ha,ha,ha,ha..he said that Christmas was only a lie.Nephew`s Wife:He should be ashamed.Scrooge`s Nephew:He`s very funny,but not a pleasant person.Nephew`s Wife:Yo told me that he is very rich.Scrooge`s Nephew:So what,darling?His wealth is useless.He doesn`t do anything with his money.Guest:He didn`t come to eat with us tonight,because he`s busy counting his money.Ha,ha,ha,ha.Scrooge`s Nephew:He preferred to be angry at us than to have fun with us.Scrooge:They dont like me.Ghost of Christmas Present:No,unless the future changes.Scrooge:How can I change the future?Narrator:The room disappeared and they continued their journey.They visited many countries,they traveled to faraway lands.They visited the sick people who felt happy,poor people who felt rich,shelters where people felt hope.It was a long night.And everything happened in just one night.Then,the Ghost of Christmas Present was gone.Scrooge:Oh,I am in my own bed again.Narrator:As he sat up,another ghost floated into the room.He was dressed in black,and a dark hood hid his face.Scrooge:Who are you?First came the Ghost of Christmas Past,then the Ghost of Christmas Present.You must be the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.Are you here to show me the future and how it can change?Narrator:The Ghost said nothing,he just gestured toward the door.Scrooge followed him to the street in front of his office.Three men stood out front,talking and shaking their heads.Scrooge:I know them.I do business with them.We鈥檙e friends.These men like me,even if my own nephew does not.But..what are they saying about me?Man 1:Poor old Scrooge Man 2:I know,I feel sorry for him Man 1:They told me he`s very sick.Man 2:Whos taking care of him?Man 1:No one.You know that he always liked to be alone.Man 2:He doesn`t have friends,either.Narrator:The Ghost started waling and Scrooge followed him down the street.Then they arrived to a tiny house.Scrooge:We have been here before.This is Crachit`s house.Narrator:The Ghost tool Scrooge into the bedroom.There was Mr.Bob Crachit sitting beside his son`s bed.He was very sick.Scrooge:Why is he crying?The last time I was here they were so happy.Narrator:Sleeping in bed was the little kid,but he was thinner and very pale.Mrs.Crachit came into the bedroom.Mrs.Crachit:Darling,what are we going to do?Did you ask Mr.Scrooge for help?Bob Crachit:Yes,but he can`t help us.But his nephew will help us.Mrs.Crachit:I hope it`s not too late.What will we do without our son?Scrooge:Why?Tell me whats wrong with the little boy?Is he going to die?What can I do to help him?Please,talk to me!Narrator:The Ghost did not answer.Then everything turned dark,and Scrooge appeared in a foggy and cold place.Scrooge:Where are we?This is a cemetery!Why did you bring me here?Narrator:The Ghost showed Scrooge a grave.鍏ㄦ枃鍦 http://www.kidsinco.com/2008/11/a-christmas-carol/ 瀛楁暟鏀句笉涓?.