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任务型阅读 . 任务型阅读 .      One fine winter day

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 12:32:09
任务型阅读 .
任务型阅读 .
     One fine winter day some ants were working in the field.They were very busy.Just then a grasshopper
 (蚱蜢) passed by."Good day,kind ants," said the grasshopper."I am very hungry.Won't you lend (借
 给) me a little food?(A) 我没有东西吃了. I will pay you before the next autumn." "Have you no food
 of your own?(B) Why did you not gather any food during the summer? You know there was much food
 in the field last summer.What were you doing then?" asked an old ant.The grasshopper answered; "I
 (C) _____ (sing) all day and night during the summer.And so I had no time to gather any food.  Please
  lend me some food." "Well,then," said the ant."(D) You only played and did not work during the
 summer.We'll never lend you any food." (E) And the ants went on working .
    a.You sang very well and we all liked your songs very much.
    b.You could sing all the summer,you also could dance all the winter.
    c.You are one of the best singers here and we cheer you.
    d.Would you like to perform one for us?
1.I have nothing to eat.    2.Why not gather any food last summer?   3.was singing      
4.b                5.然后蚂蚁继续工作.