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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:57:09
How to get along with your roommates
Recently, more and more people have the opportunities to go to the college, college can be a stressful situation, but if you can’t get along with your roommates, you’re going to find it hard to study and do other things. So, how to get along with your roommates becomes more and more important. Now, many families have only one child, the only child is loved too much, which lead that they don’t know how to get along with others, some students often have conflicts with their roommates and look down on them; others just like to keep themselves alone and do not like to communicate with other roommates. When it comes the topic how to get along with your roommates, there are some methods to solve the problem. First, you should always ask before borrowing, establish a trustworthy relationship with your roommates and he or she will never have a problem when you need anything. Then, you should always clean your own mess, a clean room can keep us a happy mood. Last but not the least, you can always do something together, living with others does not only mean sharing the same toilet and living space, it also means you interact with your roommates, so, try to get to know them and do something interesting together. In a word, your relationship with your roommates is dependent on how much effort you put in, you’ll find that your roommates will be your forever friends. So, learn how to get along well with your roommates.
下面这是ehow里面的,可以放心用.是大学舍友里面适用,当然你可以把college去掉就通用了.挑你喜欢的几条写上就行,一定记得要用承接词类似first of all之类的,这样不会太生硬
Living with someone argument-free is not the same as getting along. It is possible to live with someone, perhaps even quite successfully, without actually getting along with him or her. But making an effort to get along with your college roommate will go a long way toward enriching your overall college experience.这个段落通用.下面的tip写上firstly,secondly.就是你自己的了开头段落也可以这样写
Living with a roommate can be an intense experience. Establish some ground rules up front and learn to confront problems in a diplomatic manner if you want your household to be a peaceful one. 都行
1、Get to know your roommate. Do not make unfair or snap judgments, but take the time to actually talk to your roommate and get to know him or her.
2、Express your personal preferences and habits. If you like to stay up late and get up late the next morning, make sure your roommate is aware of this so that you don't have to study in the dark when he goes to bed at 10 p.m. At the same time, listen to your roommate and recognize her personal preferences.
3、Communicate openly with your roommate about things that bother you. Expressing your feelings now will help avoid resentment later.
4、Compromise with your roommate. If you always go to bed late and he always go to bed early, figure out a system that allows both of you to feel like your needs are being met.
5、Respect your roommate's opinions, needs and wants. If she has a big exam the next day, don't insist on staying up all night with the lights on and the stereo blasting.
6、Set up a schedule for study times and chore delegations. Having a schedule and sticking to it will help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings down the road. It will also ensure that study and chore needs are being met.
7、Resolve conflicts quickly when they arise. Do not let problems fester, since this will only lead to further complications, hurt feelings and possibly one of you moving out.
8、Be flexible. Being overly rigid about noise, bedtime or cleaning issues will only serve to create a rift between you and your roommate. You are individual people with distinct tastes and living styles; you can't expect your roommate to automatically conform to the way you like to live.
9、Always ask before borrowing
It is common courtesy to ask to use something that is not your own. However,
in college this golden rule is often overlooked. It is tempting to borrow a
roommate's shampoo or grab one of their sodas from their mini-fridge, especially
if the roommate is not in the dorm at that moment. It is even more tempting to
let your friend sleep in your roommate's bed when he or she goes home for the
weekend. Although these may seem like minor infractions, they will add up and
ultimately annoy your roommate, especially if he or she finds out! All you need
to do is be sure to always ask first before taking anything. Establish a
trustworthy relationship with your roommate and he or she will never have a
problem letting you have anything!
10、Always clean up your own mess
A college lifestyle is extremely hectic and busy. It is so easy to overlook
minor details like doing the dishes or cleaning the toilet every now and then.
An easy way to deter a filthy mess is to set up a cleaning schedule. For
example, you can agree with your roommate to exchange cleaning duties every
other week. This week, you take the toilet cleaning and he or she takes out the
trash. In this fashion, duties are shared equally and if your roommate isn't
pulling his or her weight, remind him or her what you have already cleaned this
week and they will most likely do their job. We all need a little reminder
11、Do something together!
Living with another person doesn't just mean sharing the same bathroom and
living space. It also means you interact with your roommate. Try to get to know
him or her and do something fun together. You can learn a lot about a person by
just watching a movie together. Your relationship with your roommate is
dependent on how much effort you put in to interact and share interests with him
or her. It is a lot more enjoyable to come back to your room and be able to chat
about your day with your roommate than just enter and awkwardly go to your
Living with a roommate is always a gamble and it takes work, even if it's your best friend. A new roommate may not work out any better than the old one, so simply changing roommates may not be the answer.Following the tips and I think it will be work well.