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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 07:30:20
In our experience, three steps are essential for ensuring that Chinese companies succeed at M&A. They all force the acquirer to prepare for the task long before the deal is done and to move quickly and decisively thereafter to take advantage of the brief window of time when employees of acquired companies expect change. Lenovo started planning systematically to integrate IBM’s PC
根据我们的经验,三个步骤是必不可少的,确保中国公司在并购成功 They all force the acquirer to prepare for the task long before the deal is done and to move quickly and decisively thereafter to take advantage of the brief window of time when employees of acquired companies expect change.他们都迫使收购者,准备长期在交易完成,迅速采取行动,果断采取此后的一段时间,当收购公司的雇员期望改变简短的窗口优势的任务. Lenovo started planning systematically to integrate IBM's PC联想开始规划系统地整合IBM的PC