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英语翻译You may have seen this happening in school:some students

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 20:09:02
You may have seen this happening in school:some students might be studing almost all the time but they just scrape through(勉强通过)their exams,while some others may spend much l__92__ time on their books but do much better in exams.How could this happen?Some people may blame the education system,but this just shows the d__93__ between hard work and smart work.People used to think that hard work is the o__94__  way to success.But now they have understood that smart work that does the trick(成功).Hard workers don’t mind working for long hours,while smart workers always think of various answers to these questions,“Why should I suffer this?”“Isn’t there a better way to this?”But for these people,we would still be using the abacus(盘算);computers wouldn’t have been i__95__.Progress in every field is the direct result of the“Search for a better way”by smart workers.There was a large soap factory in Japan.Once it received an unusual customer complaint---there was no soap in the soapbox he bought.How could e__96__ soapboxes go out of the factory?The manufacturing was fine,but in about one in ten thousand cases the machine let go an empty soapbox.There was no need to spend a lot of money r__97__ the machine hor such a minor defect(小缺点).The chief engineer soon worked out a solution:he used a huge X-ray machine which was connected to two large computers to find out the empty soapboxes.After teaching the workers how to use it,he sat down in his seat,tired.“Sir,we could have solved the problem in a much simpler and cheaper way,”a worked said.“Really?H__98__?”                     “We can put a huge fan near the packing machine.The air coming form the fan will blow away the empty boxes,leaving the other boxes undisturbed(不惊动).There would be no need for an X-ray machine,two computers,and operating by workers.”See,this is smart work.We should work hard like the engineers:but also think smart like this worker.
你将会在学校里看到这样的现象:有些学生将他们所有的精力都花在学习上,但考试时却只是勉强通过,而有一些学生花费较之很少的时间,却能取得好的成绩(第一个空填less).为什么会这样呢?有些人会批评教育体制,但这些正体现了不同学习效率之间的区别.(differences).人们以前认为认真努力才是通向成功的唯一方法.(only).但是他们现在则认识到了高工作效率对结果的巨大影响.认真努力的人不介意繁重的工作,然而高工作效率的人经常会去寻求这些问题的答案:"我为什么要付出这么多?""这是达成结果的最佳方式吗" 但是对于他们这样的人来说,仍旧需要仔细盘算;电脑不包括在此范围之内.(included).高工作效率者心里总是有一个寻找"达成目的的更好方式"的过程.日本有一家很大的Soap公司.一次他们收到一条不寻常的建议---购买者在收到了soap的包装 里面却没有货物.一个内部没有货物的空包装盒子怎么会流入市场?(empty).这家公司生产的东西还不错,但是机器有万分之一的几率会产生这种送出空盒子的问题.如此低的概率不需要花很多的精力去改进机器的这个小缺点.工程师很快找出了解决办法:他在两台电脑之间安装了一个大X光机来找出那些空盒子.在教会工人们如何操作之后,他坐回了他的座位,略带疲倦."先生,我们可以用更简单更便宜的办法来解决这个问题" 一个工人说."真的吗?怎么做呢?"(how) 我们可以装一个大风扇在机器的入口.(这句不确定,没理解packing什么意思 我好困- -要睡觉了).从风扇吹来的风就会把空盒子吹走,而留下那些剩下的没问题的盒子"那样就不需要X光机了,也不需要两个电脑,更不需要教工人如何操作."你看,这样才是高效率嘛.我们应该像那个工程师一样的努力认真,但是也要像工人那样找到更有效的解决方式.