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英语短文翻译?The story of Latiff Latiff was the poorest beggar of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 22:10:42
The story of Latiff
Latiff was the poorest beggar of the village. But he was considered by all to be the wisest man intelligence, but by what he had lived. Every night he slept in the hall of a different house,in front rest under a different tree, with a widespread hand and a faraway look in his thoughts.
Hearing about his story, entertained, the king ordered Latiff to come and said:“If you answer my question, I will give you this gold coin.”
Latiff looked at it , almost contemptuously, and said, “You can keep your coin, what will I do with it anyway? What is your question?”
To the king's surprise, Latidd's response to the question that was bothering him for days was wise and creative.
“Latiff, I need an adviser like you,”the king said. “I promise youthat you will be respected and that you may leave whenever you want...”
Latiff, after thinking a few minutes, accepcted it.
There monthe after his arrival, Latiff became the favorite speaker of the king.
Obviusly all the other advisers hated him. They saw in the beggar a threat against their own influences.
Then they said to the king,“Your friend Latiff, as you call him, is conspiring against you. You can confirm it with tour own eyes.”
The king felt cheated and hurt.
Thatevening he was waiting for Latiff under the stairs. He saw Latiff come to the door and look all around, then open the wooden door and slink secretly into the room.
Followed by his personal guard, the king struck the door.
The door opened. There was nobody inside, except Latiff. There was omly an old wooden plate, a walking stick and a ragged tunic hanging in the roof.
“Are you conspiring against me, Latiff?” the king asked.
“How could I, Your Majesty?” Latiffan swered. “no way. I come here every day to touch this old tunic to mzck sure that I do remember who I am and where I come from.”