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完形填空Three years is a very long time for Jerry's fans to wait

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 13:03:30
Three years is a very long time for Jerry's fans to wait.But that is how (1) it took to make his new album,"First Time."Now they have something more to be (2) about.The 27-years-old Taiwanese(台湾人)sang,with other famous stars in the "2004 Perfect Show(十全十美演唱会)" in Beijing,on Sepetember 17.And the next day,they saw Jerry play (3)Jay Chou in a basketball match!
Jerry,a member of F4,works hard on his album and is pleased to see it finished."I'm very happy.I spent three (4) years on it."Said Jerry.During that time,other F4 stars had new album.But Jerry did not hurry at all.It was his first sole(独唱)album.He tried (5) to make it right.He went to Japan to take singing lessons and learnt to play the piano.He also (6) the chance to be in films.For one thing ,"one foot,"and he sang one line of it over 50 times to get it (7)!"They asked me what I was doing,and why I was walking so long?Sometimes I looked at the moon and asked myself.But I have to do the best!"
There are two parts to the album.One for day and one for (8).This is like Jerry himself.He can be (9) and likes to joke.When he works,he's (10) and serious.Will his fans like his album?Jerry says he dosn't want to compare(比较)it to others.But he likes to hear what others say-even if it isn't all good news!
"That way,I can do better next time,"he said:"Hower,it's better to tell me secretly."
1.A.a B.soon C.long D.much
2.A.sad B.happy C.angry D.nervous
3.A.against B.to C.at D.for
4.A.easy B.interesting C.hard D.different
5.A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something
6.A.gave in B.gave out C.gave up D.gave away
7.A.right B.wrong C.out D.exciting
8.A.work B.music C.night D.fun
9.A.sunny B.surprising C.silent D.talented
10.A.excited B.quiet C.wasy-going D.strong
5 CBACB 10 CACAB Trust me!