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英文翻译I have just had some things on my mind, two of my friend

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 07:06:03
I have just had some things on my mind, two of my friends were made redudant at work on friday, and work is talking about closing the doors because they just arent getting enough orders to keep them going. I dont know what to do. I am that angry with them for getting rid of my friends over the people who are retiring age and older, i want to give final notice but every one keeps saying dont give notice, because i wont get redundancy pay out if i do give notice. And now I haven't been able to get in contact with joey and I am worried he might go back to his old life, he's .mmmmm ,very fragile, takes things personally. I'll try and ring him again today, I wont be happy til i hear his voice, I will know then if he is ok or not by the sound of his voice.
我心里有些事 我的两个朋友星期五被解雇了 公司传言要关门了 因为我们接不到足够的订单维持下去 我不知道怎么办 公司解雇我的朋友却不解雇那些年龄更大的人让我很愤慨 我想要辞职 但大家都劝我不要那么做 因为即使我那么做也拿不到解雇金 现在我还没联系到Joey 我很担心他又重新过上以前的那种生活 他...非常脆弱 我今天会再联系他的 只有听到他的声音我才能知道他好不好 如果听不到他的声音我是不会开心的