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英语翻译573.you have got to tjink of all the people who have ble

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:44:27
573.you have got to tjink of all the people who have bled and died so oher people don't look at you and see nothing but a minstrel show
574.don't you think a man knows a little bit more about what to say to his son than you do?seeing as how 1'm a man and he's going to be a man
713.We're en route to the digital promised land,that place where the internet will be magically transformed into an all-encompassing personal assistant
714.David cooperstein predicts that construction of a stable computing infrastucture will transform the Internet into a full-fledged information utility as early as 2005
793.Even if there were a trustworhy way to send money over the Internet--which there isn't-the network is missing a most essential ingredient of capitalism:salespeople
794.While the Internet beckons brightly ,seductively flashing an icon of knowledge-as-power,this nonplace lures us to surrender our time on earth
1043.Landind in crosswind conditions is hazadous in any circumstance,and the danger now was that he would "wheeldarrow"--land nose first,causing the plane to flip end over end
1044.there hadn't been a moment to spare .Now,thouh,time seemed to stretch forward forever,even here on a dark,muddy airstrip in the rain
好吧 我只能说里面有不少拼写错误 我试着改
think enroute infrastructure
573 你必须考虑到那些流血牺牲了的人,这样别人才不会在看着你的时候只认为你是个在表演的吟游诗人.
574 (实在没办法深层次理解,就按照字面意思翻了...)
713 我们正通往数字化的希望之地,在这里,网络将变成无处不在,尽心尽力的私人秘书
714 David cooperstein 预言说一个稳固的电脑基础设施建设将会在2005年把网络变成一个完备的信息体系.
793 即使互联网上有值得信赖的方式来完成资金传送--实际上并没有,网络缺少了资本关系中最重要的一个环节--销售员.
794 当网络热情的向我们招手,迷惑性的打着'知识就是力量的幌子'的时候,这个虚无的的世界到底还是引诱我们交出了我们的时间.
1043 在任何情况下,在顺风中降落都是hazadous的,并且他现在的危险是他可能会"wheeldarrow"--(飞机的)鼻子先落地,这样的话飞机就翻了.
1044 刚刚实在没有多余的时间了(千钧一发的意思).现在,虽然时间看上去象是永远在向前延伸,即使在一个雨天里,黑暗,泥泞的飞机跑道上.