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什么时候用compared 什么时候用compare?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 07:27:56
什么时候用compared 什么时候用compare?
compare A to B。把A比作B 。compared to B。与B比起来。 两句都是有比较的意思,为什么第一句用了原形而第二句用了过去式?
被动语态 compared 前应该有be吧
一般句子前都有be动词的 用作短语时 就省略了前面的be
不加时做状语:Compared with Tom.I still have a long way to go .与汤姆比,我还差得远呢.加时做谓语:Teachers are often compared to candles.老师常常被比作蜡烛.
再问: ����˵�ļ�ʱ�Ͳ���ʱ��ʲô��˼��
再答: ����ʱ�� ��.....��� ��ʱ�DZ�����.... ���compare����û�б��Ҫ��be comepared to...����...��ȣ��ṹ�� Our work can be compared to a battle. ���ǵĹ����ñ�һ��ս���� ����һ��������ֻ�ܳ���һ��ν����԰ѡ���...��ȡ������е�beȥ����ֻ�����˹�ȥ�ִʶ���compared with...�� ���ӣ��롭��ȣ��ѡ����� �ӣ��롭���֮�£� �ѡ��������� ��������
再问: ����ô���ʲô�����compare��ʲô�����compared����ý������˵����
再答: Compare to �ǡ��ѡ�������������˼�����磺 The last days before liberation are often compared to the darkness before the dawn. ��Ҫ��ŵ���Щ���ӳ�������������ǰ�ĺڰ��� ����d��ǰ����be�� Compare ... with �ǡ��ѡ����͡����Ƚϡ�����˼�����磺 We must compare the present with the past. ����Ҫ�����ں͹�ȥ�Ƚ�һ�¡� ������ȽϿ��Կ�����compare with ����һ����ϸ�ıȽϹ�̡���ʱ�����߶����Ի�����档���磺 He compared London to (with) Paris. ����׶ر������衣 ������ǹ�ȥʽ�� The room was light and lofty compared with our Tudor ones... ����be) �����Ƕ�����ķ������������������Ե����Ŷ���� Columbia was a young city compared to venerable Charleston. (��be) ����ʷ�ƾõIJ��˹����ȣ����ױ����Ǹ�����ij��С� Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, compared with four years ago... ������ǰ��ȣ� ����Ů��ÿ��Ҫ�����֧�̡� In 1800 Ireland's population was nine million, compared to Britain's 16 million. 1800�꣬���������˿���Ϊ900�