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英语翻译Taking care of unsolved issues of the past will free you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:14:31
Taking care of unsolved issues of the past will free you to move ahead with confidence.The final step toward putting your past behind so that you can reach for what’s possible is tying up your loose ends.Loose ends are the unsolved relationships that keep you from sleeping worry free at night.You have a loose end if there’s someone you don’t’ want to run into on a first date or at work.You have a loose end if there’s someone you don’t want to run into on a first date or at work..You have a loose end if there’s someone you don’t want to sit next to at a holiday dinner.Loose ends are distracting and have an amazing way of biting you in the bottom at the worst times.
How to Tie Up Your Loose Ends
1.Identify the five people with whom you have the most unsolved issues.These could be past relationships,employers,business partners,friends,family,or co-workers.
2.contact each of these five loose ends.Invite each separately to a coffee shop or some other non-threatening,nonalcohol environment.Tell each one that you want to apologize for allowing things to get crossways between you.Some may doubt your intentions,but tell them that you sincerely feel it’s time to clear the air.Ask those who agree to meet to write down any ways they think you wronged them,and you do the same.Tell them to bring this list to your get-together.
3.Show up on time and thank each for being forgiving enough to meet with you.Be an adult here —finger pointing only tears people apart.Remember,your experience may be —and most likely is —totally different from his.Listen to each issue each of them raises and try to see it from their perspectives (视角).Don’t interrupt them when they are sharing.Seek to understand why they have bad feelings toward you.Apologize for each thing they think you did to wrong them (even if you don’t completely agree with his view of the situation).
After you tie up your first loose end,you’ll want to solve them all.This is hard to explain until you have done it; but once you do,you’ll know what I mean.I learned so much about myself by tying up my loose ends.Most of all,I think this process helped me become a more understanding and patient friend.
2.contact每个五年松散ends.Invite每个单独咖啡店或一些其他非威胁,nonalcohol environment.Tell每个人要道歉,让事情得到you.Some之间交叉可能怀疑你的意图,但告诉他们,你真诚地认为,是时候清除air.Ask那些谁同意,以满足写下任何方式,他们认为你委屈他们,你这样做same.Tell他们将这份名单,您的聚会.
3.Show了时间和感谢每个被宽恕足以满足成人与you.Be这里手指指着只有眼泪人民apart.Remember ,你的经验可能和最有可能的是,完全不同于his.Listen每个每一个问题提出并试图把它从他们的观点(视角) .不要打断他们当他们sharing.Seek理解为什么他们坏感情you.Apologize每个事情,他们认为你没有错误的人(即使你不完全同意他的看法的情况) .
当您配合你的第一个松散的结束,你需要解决这些问题all.This是很难解释,直到你做了它,但一旦你做,你会知道我mean.I学到了很多关于自己捆绑我的松散ends.Most ,我认为这个过程中帮助我成为一个更加理解和耐心的朋友.