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英语阅读!It is time for the frog’s(青蛙)supper.How does it catch f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/17 13:21:12
It is time for the frog’s(青蛙)supper.How does it catch food?
The frog stays very still.It looks straight ahead (盯着前方).Soon a bug(虫子) flies by.The frog shoots out its tongue(舌头).Its tongue is very long and sticky(黏的).The frog catches the bug on its tongue.The bug can’t get away.Then the frog waits for more bugs.It is a hungry hunter.
( )6.The frog’s tongue is .
A.green B.slow C.sticky
( )7.This storry tells how frogs catch .
A.mrce B.food C.leaves
( )8.When a bug flies by ,the frog it .
A.looks at B.catches C.smells
( )9.You can tell from the story that frogs eat bugs .
A.a lot of B.few C.two
( )10.The part underlined “get away”means(意思是) .
A.到达 B.逃掉 C.获得
6 C 原文里有答案
7 B 青蛙抓虫子.A可能是mice?那是老鼠,C是叶子 所以B食物是正确选项
8 B 原文里有答案
9 A 因为青蛙在等更多的虫子,所以是吃很多虫子,选A
10 B 按照上下文推出的答案