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英语翻译One of my favorite philosophers is Eric Hofer.He was onc

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 02:48:37
One of my favorite philosophers is Eric Hofer.He was once asked how to tell is a city would last for a long period of time.He said go to the janitor's closet and see if he has a nail to hang his broom
If he does then the city will last.This I remember as I see the different areas of the world.In Japan and Korea,I could see the maintenance of the city was being meticulously done.But I am noticing a lack of this maintenance here in China.Is this a good scientific measure of the longevity of a city?No,it is just my observation.
我最喜欢的哲学家之一是Eric Hofer,有一次他被问道,如何辨别一个城市是否能持续很久,他说,去看门人的壁橱里看看,是不是有一枚挂扫帚的钉子,假如有,这城市就会长久.当我游历世界不同地方时,我始终都记得这件事.在日本和韩国,我可以看到,城市的维护工作做得一丝不苟.但我渐渐注意到中国在维护工作方面有些缺陷.这难道真是衡量城市是否能长久存在的标准吗?不,这只是我的观察而已.