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第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) One evening, I came across one

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:53:45

One evening, I came across one of my son’s papers with a failing grade. I almost started to yell his name   31   I suddenly remembered he was in bed asleep. It was his   32  (nine) year of school and his academic career seemed to be in ruins, so I was full of anger. But I put the paper aside and turned to the   33   one, at the top of which were written “My dad”. It was a poem about me,   34   included the time I had to leave work to take him to the hospital because he had broken his finger. So careless was I   35   I had forgotten all about that. He talked about how I wrestled with him in the evenings and a good many other things. That paper was suddenly not nearly as important as it   36   (be) a few minutes before. I don’t know if he planned the poem next to the failing grade   37   (soften) the below, but it worked. Instead of   38   severe lecture, I talked to him about the poem as well as the   39 (fail) homework, and it began to make sense to me that I could include praise along  40  constructive criticism (批评).

31. when             32. ninth            33. other/next      34. which        35. that    
36. had been      37.   to soften    38. a              39. failed         40. with