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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 01:18:11
固顶> 跟妈妈一模一样的女朋友 Find a girl just like your mother No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. Find a girl just...固顶> 爷爷给我付账 Grandpa will pay the bill Walking up to a department stores fabric counter, the pretty girl said, I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How muc...固顶> 自己做好准备 Prepare Yourself A story around campus has it that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of ...
英语笑话带翻译> 跟妈妈一模一样的女朋友 Find a girl just like your mother
日期:2012-03-09 13:53:50 No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. Find a girl just...英语笑话带翻译> 爷爷给我付账 Grandpa will pay the bill
日期:2012-02-19 12:24:16 Walking up to a department stores fabric counter, the pretty girl said, I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How muc...英语笑话带翻译> 分享一切 Always Share
日期:2012-02-19 12:19:45 An old couple went into a restaurant and ordered something to eat: one Coca Cola and one portion of French fries. The old man sat ...英语笑话带翻译> 图片和奶酪 the picture of the cheese
日期:2012-02-19 12:08:13 One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid of mouse, so she ran out of the house, got into a...英语笑话带翻译> 约会完成进行时 Appointment of the Perfect Continuous
日期:2012-02-17 21:48:26 A youngster asks a girl who comes to the date: Is this your date with the young man for the first time? Too bloody right. Gee, how...英语笑话带翻译> 有其父必有其子 Like father, like son
日期:2012-02-17 21:43:57 Son: Papa, what s the meaning of Like father, like son? Father: Bastard. What another scandalous thing have you done in the school...英语笑话带翻译> 兄弟般的关爱 Brotherly love
日期:2012-02-15 21:31:58 Teacher: Cassandra, if I saw a man beating a donkey and I stopped him, what virtue would I be demonstrating? Cassandra: Brotherly ...英语笑话带翻译> 猪或女巫 Pig or Witch
日期:2012-02-15 21:29:34 A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans...英语笑话带翻译> 丧失记忆 Amnesia
日期:2012-02-10 20:46:42 A senile actress went to see a doctor. The doctor enquired, enquire=inquire,especial=special,evaluation=valuation, resolve=solve) ...英语笑话带翻译> 老板的主意 Boss's idea
日期:2012-02-10 20:42:42 When my printers type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only...英语笑话带翻译> 最低分 the lowest grade
日期:2012-02-08 23:09:09 Professor, I did the best I could on this test. I really dont think I deserve a zero. Neither do I. But thats the lowest grade Im ...英语笑话带翻译> 总感到口渴 Always Thirsty
日期:2012-02-08 23:08:48 I had an operation, said a man to his friend, and the doctor left a sponge in me. Thats terrible! said the friend. Got any pain? N...英语笑话带翻译> 他们很忙 They're Busy
日期:2012-02-08 22:59:41 One day, the phone rang, and a little boy answered. May I speak to your parents? Theyre busy. Oh. Is anybody else there? The polic...英语笑话带翻译> 长官在婚礼上 Chief is at the wedding
日期:2012-02-08 22:56:05 A police stopped a motorist who was speeding on the street. But officer, the man said, I can explain. Just be quiet, snapped the o...英语笑话带翻译> 同样的行为,同样的结果 The Same Action Yields the Same Resul
日期:2012-02-06 20:48:21 A couple of hunters chartered a small plane to fly them to a forest,and made an appointment with the pilot to come back and fetch ...英语笑话带翻译> 自己做好准备 Prepare Yourself
日期:2012-02-06 20:33:37 A story around campus has it that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of ...英语笑话带翻译> 老夫妻吵架 An Old Couple's Quarrel
日期:2012-02-06 20:31:33 A couple of codgers got into a quarrel and came before the local magistrate. The loser, turning to his opponent in a combative fra...英语笑话带翻译> 为什么迟到 Why are you late
日期:2012-02-04 11:27:46 Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning? Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,School-Go slow. 老师:为什么你每...英语笑话带翻译> 梦中更聪明 More Intelligent in Dreams
日期:2012-02-04 11:25:57 When a student failed to solve a math problem in class, he expressed his regret to his teacher. I remember solving the problem in ...英语笑话带翻译> 两个猎人Two hunters
日期:2012-01-14 12:54:38 Once two hunters went hunting in the forest. One of them suddenly fell down by accident. He showed the whites of his eyes and seem...英语笑话带翻译> 你以为你上了网我就不认得你了 I do not recognize you
日期:2012-01-14 12:53:01 Walking on the beach one day he saw a crab, went to see what happens, suddenly crab pincers folder, then crab bush run. Tiger jump...英语笑话带翻译> 宁可不要的荣耀 An Unwelcome Honor
日期:2011-12-19 23:46:34 A doctor came into the hospital ward and said to Mr. Johnson, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Then Mr. Johnson sa...英语笑话带翻译> “妙”龄证人 Twenty-one Forever
日期:2011-12-19 23:44:36 In court a judge asked the witness, How old are you? I mean, really, how old are you? And remember, youre under oath so tell the t...英语笑话带翻译> 我家的聪明狗会买报纸 The Clever Dog
日期:2011-12-04 00:53:00 A dog owner claimed that his pet, when given money, would go to the news stall to buy a paper. His friend insisted on a demonstrat...英语笑话带翻译> 预算超标的小偷 Caught stealing
日期:2011-11-28 18:59:52 A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store. Listen, said the shoplifter, I know you dont want...