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英语翻译If there were an Oscar for most consistently profitable

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 09:46:27
If there were an Oscar for most consistently profitable Hollywood studio,it probably would go to 20th Century Fox (NWS).Hollywood is a hit-driven business,and most studios bounce from box-office hit to dud with depressing regularity.But for the past seven years,Fox has scored with both blockbusters (Alvin and the Chipmunks) and indie hits (Juno) that have generated the kind of double-digit return on investment you might expect from a business making widgets,not films.Tom Pollock,a former Universal Pictures chairman who produces movies for Fox and other studios,says:"Fox is simply the best-run studio in town."
  You were expecting anything less from Rupert Murdoch's guys?At Fox,the mantra is "to be creatively driven but fiscally astute," says James N.Gianopulos,who co-chairs the studio with Thomas Rothman of Fox Filmed Entertainment (NWS).Translation:to be almost pathologically obsessed with costs.Not that the co-chairs run from risk.They outbid most of Hollywood in 2004 for the script to the apocalyptic The Day After Tomorrow,but made it for $100 million,relatively cheap for a special-effects picture.It grossed more than half a billion dollars worldwide.
如果有一个奥斯卡奖是颁给最盈利的好莱坞工作室的话,那应该就会颁给二十世纪福克斯了.好莱坞是一个旧时代产物,大多数工作室有着票房反弹这令人沮丧的规律.但在过去的七年,福克斯已经在大投资(埃尔文和花栗鼠)和独立制作(朱诺)上都取得了两位数的投资回报率.你可能愿意做小部件的业务但不是电影.原环球影业董事长Tom Pollock为福克斯和其他工作是制作过电影的人说道:福克斯就是好莱坞经营最好的工作室.
你会被期待从Rupert Murdoch减少任何东西么?在福克斯,口头禅是“要被创造性地但是财政精明”和Thomas Rothman 同样作为福克斯电影娱乐公司的董事长Janmes N Gianopules说道.这句话可以被这样理几乎病态地去迷恋成本.不是董事长逃避风险.他们在2004年为好莱坞的世界末日脚本《后天》出价最多,反倒用与收获相比算作便宜特效有了100万美金的产值.它的全球票房超过了十亿.