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还是直升班英语题Father’s Day is a fairly 21 celebration in the Briti

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 11:29:22
Father’s Day is a fairly 21 celebration in the British calendar compared with Mother’s Day,which has been a very popular and well celebrated festival in the UK for a very long time.
Father’s Day was first celebrated by Americans and it was inspired by the actions of a man named William Smart,a retired soldier,whose wife 22 away giving birth to their sixth child.He 23 six children alone without remarrying,which was 24 in those days.
His daughter,Sonora Dodd,25 when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed (牺牲) for 26.It was in the early 1900s and she was actually 27 one day,listening to a sermon(传教) on 28 .She thought there 29 a Father’s Day celebration.
And so the 30 was born,on the third Sunday every June,close to the anniversary of Sonora’s father’s death.Britain 31 the idea of Father’s Day from the American celebration and it has been celebrated officially since 1970s.
Father’s Day is never quite such a big commercial event 32 Mother’s Day is,probably because it hasn’t been in existence for so long.But what do British people do for Father’s Day?Well,most people 33 buy their fathers a card,with a nice message in it 34 what a great Dad their father is.Some people do buy presents as well.
35 gifts for Dads are ties,chocolates or socks because they are things that Dads can always use 36 they don’t want them.In the run-up to Father’s Day,or indeed Mother’s Day,there will be advertisements on TV giving us 37 of what we can buy.Card shops will be full of mugs or pens and similar goods with “ World’s Greatest Dad” 38 on them.
Some families 39 do things together to celebrate Father’s Day like going out for a meal.As a special treat,British people might give their Dad a bit of a rest,40 him a cup of tea,or even wash his car to make him feel really appreciated.
21.A.old B.new C.big D.small
22.A.passed B.past C.went D.died
23.A.brought B.raised C.fed D.educated
24.A.unnatural B.unfair C.untrue D.unusual
25.A.realized B.realizing C.to realize D.was realized
26.A.them B.themselves C.herself D.himself
27.A.at school B.at church C.at home D.at work
28.A.Father’s Day B.Thanksgiving Day C.Mother’s Day D.Christmas Day
29.A.could also be B.should be also C.could be also D.should also be
30.A.holiday B.memory C.tradition D.culture
31.A.bought B.brought C.took D.stole
32.A.as B.like C.that D.which
33.A.would B.could C.should D.might
34.A.writing B.reading C.telling D.saying
35.A.Popular B.Regular C.Normal D.Moral
36.A.though B.even though C.while D.in case
37.A.presents B.thinking C.ideas D.views
38.A.placed B.put C.written D.laid
39.A.must B.might C.can D.should
40.A.might make B.making C.to make D.make请教23、24、30、31、32、34、35、36
23、24:He raised six children alone without remarrying, which was unusual in those days.他未再婚而独自抚养了6个孩子,这在那个年代是很不寻常的.
30、这个节日由此诞生 31、英国借鉴了这个节日 32、不如母亲节盛大 34、诉说,表明 35、通常的,普遍的 36、尽管他们并不想要
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