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根据框中的单词填空。 mature,  ring,  language, &nb

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 03:12:03
mature,  ring,  language,  keep fit,  camel,  in front of , skill,  worry about
1. Boys get             at a large age than girls.
2. He does poorly at school so his mother is              it.
3. There is a big tree             the house and we feel really cool because of it.
4. People use             to carry things to different places in the desert.
5. To              , he often goes to the gym to work out.
6. Li Ping can speak several foreign              besides English.
7. Do you know that there are five            on the flag of the Olympics?
1. mature  2. worried about  3. in front of     
4. camels   5. keep fit  6. languages  7. rings