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Maria’s First Day at School 作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 15:25:24
Maria’s First Day at School 作文
Maria Jenkins is an English girl. She’s five. She’s in Grade 1. (Actually, she just finished her kindergarten. But let’s start the story now anyway.)Today is her first day of Grade 1, and of course. Her first day of Sea Bay Elementary School.But Maria is a little bit unhappy. She says to her mom, Kate, “Mom, but do I have to go to school? I don’t want to go to Sea Bay Elementary School. I want to still stay at my Happy Kids Kindergarten. There are my friends.”Kate says to Maria nicely, “Dear, I know you don’t want to go to Sea Bay Elementary School. But you have to. So you can learn new things. You don’t want to always to learn that few things. Anyway, your friends are going to elementary schools. You do want to keep up with them. Don’t you?”Maria nods. Then, she walks outside and groaned. She walks on her way to school. But will school be fun? She’s not sure. But she does hope.She walks nearer and nearer to Sea Bay Elementary School slowly. But then, suddenly. Her sadness is whips from her face. Then it turns to a smile.“Wow, it’s wonderful!” thinks Maria. “Look at how many pinky things are there, and how many greenie things. And look, the pink colour made the buildings seem kind of well, friendly.”Then, she runs to her classroom with a smile.When she comes to her classroom door (She's in Class One.)。 She sees a teacher smiling at her.“Hello,” says the teacher. “My name’s Whitney White. But you can call me Miss White. I’m your class teacher. And you must be Maria Jenkins.”“Well,” says Maria spluttering. “I-I-I am…Er, I am M-M-Maria Jenkins. I am Maria Jenkins.”“Great,” smiles Miss White. “I think you are going to have lots of fun today. Anyway, I will bring you into the classroom before the school bell rings.”So her teacher brings her inside the classroom.Miss White smiles at everyone. She says, “Everyone, this is Maria Jenkins.”The children begin to chatter.“Maria. That’s my favourite name. I always want to have it to myself…”“Maria. Oh, what a nice name…”“Maria. Oh, I can’t believe she’s here. In the same school and the same class with me?…”“Maria…”“Maria…”“Quiet, please. Class,” says Miss White. “For our very special first day. I will let you on a ‘field trip’。”The children begin to chatter again.“Oh, boy!”“Is it just my ears or is that Miss White said so?”“A field trip? At my old school I never went on a field trip. No wonder it can be so much fun.”“Class,” says Miss White. “I will let you visit the school rooms for our ‘field trip’。”“All right!”So they go in to the rooms one by one. “Wow! Beautiful!” say Maria. “I love, love, love Sea Bay Elementary School. It’s so beautiful, and look, out of the school, it’s the beach.”“That’s the Atlantic Ocean,” says Miss White.Maria smiles. She was happy today in the morning.When it is afternoon. She plays with her new friends.“What are your names?”“I’m Lisa.”“I’m Ken.”“I’m Sam.”“I’m Amy.”“I’m Ann.”“I’m Anna.”“I’m…”Soon, it is the time for children to go home.“How is school today, dear?” Kate asks.“It was OK.” said Maria. “Some of my kindergarten friends are in the same class with me. And I’ve meet many new friends. They are Lisa, Ken, Sam, Amy, Ann, Anna, Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Pedro…”“Wow, Maria, slow down,” said Kate. “You have so many new friends, I think you must be happy.”“Oh, yes,” said Maria. “And I have another friend, too. Her name is Whitney White. She’s my teacher!”And that’s the story when Maria begins to go to school, and don’t mind school, too.And that’s when she begins to have her favourite go to school song:I am going to school all by myself.What a great day to get (to) school. Yes, it is!The sun is going higher and higher it goes.I like homework and play at school. I do!If clock strikes at nine. I must get there.Or I will be late for school, late for school.And that’s her favourite go to school song’s words.