作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 06:47:03
解题思路: 动名词由动词加-ing词尾构成,既有名词的特征,又有动词的特征.了解动名词的语法特征可帮助深入理解动名词的意义,从而正确使用动名词.

一、在句子中用作主语(Subject)或主语的补语(Subject Complement):

1.1 作主语

 1. Listening to music gives me pleasure. (主语Listening )
 2. Running is good exercise. (主语running)
 3. Walking to school is a good idea. (主语walking)

1.2  作主语的补语

 1. My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (补语sleeping)
 2. Seeing is believing. (主语seeing, 补语believing)

1.3  it 做形式主语 真正主语置于句尾

 1.3.1 用 It + be + ... +v-ing 句型

  1. It is fun speaking English.
  2. It is of great importance fighting against pollution(污染).

 1.3.2 用 It is 后接 no use. no good, fun 等的句型

  1. It is no use learning theory without practice.
  2. It is no fun being lost in rain.

 1.3.3 用 There + be + no + v-ing 的句型

  1. There is no joking about such matters.
  2. There is no getting along with him. (简直无法与他相处)

2.1 作动词/动词短语的宾语(置于动词或动词短语的后面)

 1. I cannot help laughing. (我禁不住笑了起来)(宾语laughing)
 2. You should avoid quarrelling with your sister. (宾语quarrelling)
 3. You should practice speaking English more. (宾语speaking)

 注意:上面三个句子中的动词:help, avoid, practice 只能用动名词作宾语。这类
  dislike 厌恶 admit 接受 repent 后悔 acknowledge 承认
  enjoy 享受  escape避免 deny 否认  postpone 延迟
  resent 怨恨 mind 介意  miss 错过  risk 冒风险
  finish 完成 avoid 避免 delay 耽误  consider 认为
  fancy 想象  excuse 原谅 include 包括 imagine 想象
  resist 抵制 suggest 建议 practice 练习 ……
  keep (on)继续 don't mind 不介意 cannot help 不禁 give up 放弃
  put off 延迟 leave off 停止  burst out 闯出  feel like 想干 ……
