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英语翻译(be)on a course (be)out of work (be)of interest (be) in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 11:02:29
(be)on a course (be)out of work (be)of interest (be) in one's 30s (be)with me (be)on one's hands and knees (be)at one's best (be)of help 用这些短语造下面的句子.1.桑迪已经失业半年,没有能力养家糊口了.2.这是一本各类读者都会感兴趣的小说.3.如果我能帮上什么忙,4.阿瑟已经三十多岁了,还没有开始自己的事业.5.下一步把这个放在机器的这个位置.你们听明白了吗?6.我认为五月的颐和园是最美的.7.我最后一次见到他是周五晚上,当时他正趴在实验室的地上在找什么东西.8.这个月凯西一直在上缝纫课.
1 Sandy has been out of work for half a year.He can't make his family's living.2 This is a novel that all kinds of reader will be of interest .3 If I can be of some help,just call me.4 Arthur is in his 30's,and still has no work.5 Next,set the machine on this site .Can you follow with me?6 I thik that The Summer Palace is at its best in May.7 The last time I see him was on Friday evening and he was lookong for some thing on his hands and knees in the lab.8 Casey is on a sewing course this month. Oh my God! 累死了 英文名翻译得很好 希望你喜欢赏分 TUT