作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 00:07:48
Bily had an accident this morning .L_,he wasn't badly hurt;Jack got d_ news from his teacher .He failed in the exam; There are a lot of f_ visitors from aii over the world coming to China every year ; We are s_ to meet them at the gate at seven ; Beijing University is a good place to get good e_;We were e_ when we heard the e_ news;The girl said to me ,"I need your help ."(改为间接引语) _;He said ,"Please come again tomorrow."(改为间接引语)_; I don't know _ (how old is he) ; _ (teach) students in a village may not sound like fun.  红字中点讲!
解题思路: 同学,你好,网站有规定一次提问一道题,请你下次遵守网站的规定,谢谢合作!
Bily had an accident this morning .Luckily ,he wasn't badly hurt;
luckily幸运地;幸好 Jack got d_ news from his teacher .He failed in the exam; (请检查题目是否正确)
There are a lot of foreign visitors from all over the world coming to China every year ;
foreign外国的 We are supposed to meet them at the gate at seven ; be supposed to do 是一个固定短语,意思是“应该做某事,被期望做某事”Beijing University is a good place to get good education ;
education 教育
We were excited when we heard the exciting news;
The girl said to me ,"I need your help ."(改为间接引语) 
The girl told me that she needed my help .
He said ,"Please come again tomorrow."(改为间接引语)
He told us to come again the next day .
I don't know how old he is .(how old is he) 宾语从句要用陈述语序。
Teaching (teach) students in a village may not sound like fun.  动名词作主语。
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