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The Marathon of Hope(翻译) 作文

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The Marathon of Hope(翻译) 作文
希望马拉松This is Canada’s greatest hero. He never fought a war, he was not a scientist, and he was never a political leader. However, by running in what he called ‘The Marathon of Hope,’ Terry Fox made the entire country proud.这是加拿大最棒的英雄,他从来没打过仗,不是一位科学家,也从来不是政治领袖。然而,他通过跑‘希望马拉松’,泰瑞·福克斯让整个国家自豪。Terry Fox grew up in the town of Port Coquitlam, near the city of Vancouver. Terry was a very active and diligent child. From a very early age he always tried to do his best at whatever he did.泰瑞·福克斯在温哥华旁边的高贵林市港口长大的。泰瑞是一个又活跃又用功的小孩,他从小无论做什么,都努力把这件事做到最棒。Terry especially loved to play sports. Sometimes he was not the best player on the team, but he always tried his best and worked the hardest to win. He believed that if he tried hard enough and practiced long enough, he could accomplish anything.泰瑞特别喜欢运动。有时,他不是队上最好的参赛者,但他总尝试做到最好,努力争取赢。他相信如果自己努力去做,长时间练习的话,什么事情都能做到。In high school, Terry really wanted to play on the basketball team. But he was too short and he was a terrible basketball player. However, that didn’t stop him. All through high school, Terry would get up early in the morning to practice basketball. No one ever tried as hard as he did.中学,泰瑞真想在篮球队里打球。但他太矮了,是个不大行的球员。然而,困难没有拦住他。正个中学,泰瑞都起来得很早,练习打篮球。没人像他那么努力。For more than a year. Terry was the worst basketball player on the team. The coach almost never let him play. But slowly, Terry started to improve. His hard work and patience began to pay off. By his last year of high school, Terry was a star player.过了一年,泰瑞还是队上很差的球员,教练几乎从来不让他参赛。慢慢的,泰瑞开始改变了。他的努力和耐心开始有了回报。到中学的最后一年,泰瑞成了一位明星球员。Then in 1977, when he was 18 years old, Terry discovered that he had cancer in his bones. In order to save his life, the doctors had to cut off his right leg. His basketball days were finished. But the night before his amputation, he read about amputee runners. He decided that he would also run one day.1977年,他18岁的时候,泰瑞发现自己的骨头里有了癌症。为了救他的生命,医生们不得不把他的右腿截下来。他的篮球生涯结束了,但他截肢的前一天晚上,他读了一本关于被截肢的跑步者的书,他决定某一天自己也能跑步。While in the hospital, Terry saw many children who were dying of cancer. He felt very sad for them, and wanted to help them. His desire to run and his desire to help cancer patients gave Terry his dream.医院里,泰瑞看见许多孩子因癌症而死去。他为那些孩子们感到伤心,想帮助他们。他跑步的希望和帮助癌症病人的希望让泰瑞有了自己的梦想。He decided to learn to run with only one leg, and then run across Canada. He would run to collect money to help cancer patients. Since Canada is such a large country, most people thought that Terry’s dream was impossible.他决定学着一条腿跑,要跑过加拿大,自己将跑步收集的钱帮助癌症病人。因为加拿大这个国家很大,很多人都认为泰瑞的梦想是不可能实现的。But for Terry Fox, nothing was impossible if you really wanted to do it. So, after more than one year of very difficult training, Terry Fox went to the east coast of Canada and dipped his artificial leg in the Atlantic Ocean. His dream was to run to the Pacific Ocean. He called his run, ‘The Marathon of Hope’。但对泰瑞·福克斯来说,如果真要做某件事情,它是不会不成功。于是,经过一年非常艰难的训练,泰瑞·福克斯跑到了加拿大的东部。他把假腿放在大西洋里泡了泡,他的梦想是跑到太平洋。他把这次赛跑叫‘希望马拉松’。His Marathon of Hope started as an improbable dream, with just one runner and one person to drive the van. It was not an easy run. He ran through ice storms, summer heat, and terrible winds. Sometimes he would fall from exhaustion, but he’d always get back up.他的希望马拉松始于不大可能实现的梦想,只有一个跑步者,也只有一个人的面包车跟着。跑步很不容易,他在冰暴中跑,在炎热的日子跑,还在大风天气跑。有时他会因为疲倦而摔倒,但他总能站起来。At first, no one really knew who Terry was, but soon his name began to spread all across the country. The more he ran, the more famous he became. Soon, the whole country stopped to watch Terry Fox.刚开始,没有人真正的知道泰瑞是谁,但是,不久他的名字开始在整个国家传播。他跑得越多,就越著名。不久,整个国家的许多人停下来看泰瑞·福克斯跑步。Every night, Terry was on the news. People were amazed and inspired. Terry told everyone about the Marathon of Hope. He told them that he wanted to collect one dollar from every person in Canada to help find a cure for cancer.每天夜晚,泰瑞都出现在新闻报道上,人们很吃惊,也很激动。泰瑞告诉大家关于希望马拉松的事,他告诉人们自己想从加拿大的每一个人拿到一美元来帮助治疗癌症病人。After running for 143 days and 5, 373 kilometers, Terry had to stop in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Unfortunately, the cancer had spread in his body. He made it more than halfway across the large country. But Terry inspired the whole country and soon his dream came true. He collected 24 million dollars.当跑了143天5373公里后,泰瑞不得不在安大略湖的桑德贝停下来。不幸的是,癌症已经在他的身体里传播了。泰瑞还有多一半的路程才能穿过这个大国家,但是他让整个国家激发了,不久梦想实现了,他收集了2千4百万美元。Terry Fox has been awarded many of the highest honors that a Canadian can receive. He was the youngest person to receive the ‘Order of Canada.’ Terry Fox died on June 28th, 1981, at the age of 21, but he still lives in the hearts of Canadian people as a great hero.泰瑞·福克斯是一位加拿大人能得到的最高荣耀中的一人。他是得到‘加拿大最高荣誉勋章’最年幼的人。泰瑞·福克斯在1981年的6月28日21岁时去世。但他仍然像一个非常棒的英雄保留在加拿大人的心里。Terry’s dream did not die when he did. The Terry Fox Foundation still raises money to help find a cure for cancer. The leader of the foundation is Terry’s brother, Darrel Fox. Together with the help of millions of people, the foundation has done a lot of work to find a cure for cancer.泰瑞去世了,他的梦想永存。泰瑞·福克斯的基金会仍然集资帮助治疗癌症。基金会的领导者着是泰瑞的哥哥——戴劳·福克斯。有着百万多人的帮助,基金会做了许多治疗癌症的事。