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Harry Potter5

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 00:31:11
Harry Potter5
harry potter 5是有两个版本的吗?CHAPTER 1 - THE TRIP
It was the most wonderful feeling Harry ever experienced.He was flying through the air,feeling the wind blow by and through his entire body.The warm sun was glowing all over him and some birds were flying by,singing merrily.He raced them,not knowing where to,just knowing he was having the best time of his life.As Harry was shooting ahead,he looked forward,and saw a thin line on the ground.Harry threw his hands back,getting a sudden burst of speed.He was going far faster than the birds now,he could hear their voices trailing behind him,getting farther and farther behind him.The thin line was getting closer as Harry sped up.As he got nearer to it,the Sun’s warmth became slightly colder,and the wind was blowing much harder.Despite this,he continued on,having a huge desire to see what the line was dividing.
Harry suddenly realized that he was shivering,and his teeth were chattering.The wind was approaching the speeds of that of a hurricane.It just kept blowing harder and harder,until Harry was unable to fight against it any longer.So,he fell.
He was falling,falling,falling.Faster,faster and faster.The ground was rushing at him.He fell through the clouds,and could just about make out the top of some houses.He could see some cars.Now,he can make out someone below him.Harry abruptly realized what was happening,and he let out a scream,anticipating the painful impact… when all of a sudden he felt hands below him.
Someone caught him.Harry let out a sigh of relief.The hands below him felt bony and weak,they were concealed in a long flowing black robe.Harry looked up to see the face that went with the arms,and as soon as his eyes met the face,he wished he hadn’t been caught at all.It felt as though there was a brick in his stomach that suddenly moved up out of his mouth,escaping with a scream.The face belong to Voldemort.He merely gave Harry a small grin.
Harry jumped out of Voldemort’s hands,and started running away.Green rays were shooting by him,and Harry recognized the green rays as killing curse beams.He kept running,not knowing where he was going.All of a sudden,he saw someone!Two people actually,a man and a woman… they looked very familiar.
Harry ran as fast as he could towards them,spells still shooting by him every second.All Harry did was try and concentrate on the people ahead of him.As soon as he got a little closer to them,he realized who they were… they were his parents.
CHAPTER ONE — Dudley Demented
The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence layover the large,square houses of Privet Drive.Cars that were usually gleaming stooddusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing -
for the use of hosepipes had been banned due to drought.怎么回事呢?
CHAPTER ONE — Dudley Demented
你前面说的那个版本 是国外山寨版 .其中有一段:
Diagon Alley was now as Harry remembered it:buzzing with people,shops,and money.It was nothing like in his hallucination.Harry then remembered why he and Sirius were here and he took out the letter of his supplies from his pocket that Lupin gave him.Harry opened the envelope.The letter read:
Fifth-Year Students Will Require:
The Standard Book of Spells,Grade 5
By Miranda Goshawk
All You’d Ever Want To Know About Dragons,And More
By Charlie Weasley
Advanced Prediction
By Eyesee Yoopi
Shields Against Darkness
By Gulden Armur
Morphing and More
By Polly Morfi
Growing Success,A Book On Higher Plants
By Tulep Grolots
Brewing Masterpieces,A Potions Guide to the O.W.L.s
By Lekwid Van Brewtoven
Magic History:Creation to the Now
By Verri Olde
Harry re-read it,just to be sure,then he spoke to Sirius quietly:
“Hey!Charlie wrote a book!” Charlie was the second-oldest boy in the Weasley family.Harry knew he dealt with dragons for a living,but he never knew he was writing a book.This also meant that Harry was going to be looking at dragons this year.Hagrid,their care of magical creatures teacher,loved dragons so Harry knew it was going be a great class this year.
查理·韦斯莱 写了一本书?完全是瞎扯.