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圣经-英语- 1.God created Adam first,then Eve to be his wife and

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 16:02:44
1.God created Adam first,then Eve to be his wife and helper.How was Eve,the first woman,created?
A) It tells the history of God's salvation of His people.
B) It tells the history of the angels.
C) It tells the origins of God.
D) It tells why God created the universe.
我觉得是A,参考以下文章的第一段(The Creation of Eve)和最后一段(Hope)
The Creation of Eve
The first surgical procedure known to mankind was performed.God placed Adam into a profound sleep.While Adam slept,God removed one of his ribs and closed up the wound - no pain.From Adam's rib Eve was formed.
God's choice of bone is interesting.There are 206 bones within the adult body that comprise the human form,yet,God chose one rib.Where are ribs located?Near the heart.
"The Hebrew expression...denotes careful construction and design.Literally it means God built a woman.He carefully assembled a whole new creature." [1].Perhaps Eve was the best embodiment of God's creative energies.She was certainly the last creature of God's handiworks,and thus,the crowning glory of creation.
Though there were consequences,God offered not only Eve hope for redemption,but redemption for all of mankind."And I will put enmity between you and the woman [God says to the serpent (Satan)],And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head [speaking of the redeemer],and you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15.
Scripture says little more about Eve,other than she bore three sons,Cain,Abel and Seth.Though Eve fell from grace,she holds the distinction of being the first woman in a long line of ancestors,from which the Savior would emerge.