作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 16:55:25
It was autumn and yellow leaves were falling.I was preparing for the Postgraduate Entrance examination,but so many unhappy things made me 41 ,so I decided to take a walk.
I was walking alone,when I heard the sweet sound of a guitar.I ran to see who was playing.A young girl,sitting on the lawn,was 42 playing her guitar.She was a beautiful girl,___43_____when the wind blew her long hair.The music was so 44 that I listened quietly.
Every day when I passed by the lawn,I would see her playing her guitar.She was the only __45__ and I was the only listener.46 became interesting and I could review the courses 47.
One day,when I was __48____ devotedly,the sound suddenly stopped.The girl came over to me.
“You must 49 the music,”she said.
“Yes,you __50____very well.Why did you stop?”I asked.
___51____,a sad expression appeared on her face.
“I came here ___52____ to have a rest because I failed in the college entrance examination.It was your listening every day that__53_____ me,”she said,“and I ____54___ to go tomorrow.”“in fact,it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn and __55_____.” I answered.She smiled and I also smiled.
Since then,I have never seen her again,but I will ___56_____ remember her and the season.It was her _57______ that helped me pass the Postgraduate Entrance Examination though she only appeared a few days in my life.
We may meet many people in our lives.Some are like a shooting star,__58_____ give off so much __59_____ that they guide us in the correct direction; some are like clothes to us,they are always with us,but do not understand us.Many people step in our life,but only true friends leave__60____.
41.A.tired  B.excited  C.angry  D.disappointed
42.A.devoted to B.lost in C.fond of D.satisfied with
43.A.specially B.actually C.especially D.occasionally
44.A.strange B popular C.unfamiliar D.attractive
45.A.performer B.actress C.star D.singer
46.A.Work B.Life C.Love D.Music
47.A.attentively B.friendly C.naturally D.truly
48.A.singing B.dancing C.listening D.watching
49.A.recognize B.understand C.realize D.dislike
50.A.act B.play C.sing D.dance
51.A.Suddenly B.Unluckily C.Strangely D.Obviously
52.A.almostB.just C.evenD.ever
55.A.wisdomB.pride C.honor D.confidence
58.A.and B.orC soD.but
60.A.footprintB.experience C .missingD.history
41、A 由文意可知诸多不愉快使得作者心理疲惫,所以决定去散步
42、B be devote to 致力于····· be lost in 是埋头于,沉浸在···中的意思,结合原文选B
43、C 特别是当风吹起她的长发时就更迷人了.
44、D attatractive 有吸引力的
45.A performer 演奏者
46、 B
47、A 这句话的意思:生活变得有趣,我可以专心致志地复习功课.
48、B 我正专注地听,音乐突然停了
49、A 结合后文可知此句是:你一定听过这首曲子
51、C 奇怪的是她脸上显现出一丝伤感.
52、B 我到这儿来只是为了放松一下
54、B have to do sth. 必须做某事
55、D 事实上,是你的演奏让我觉得这个秋天有意义,给了我信心.
56、C 我会一直记得她和那个季节
57、B 她的出现帮助我通过研究生入学考试
59、C 全句意思:有些人就像流星,发出耀眼的光芒,指引我们正确的方向.
60、A 走进我们的生活的人不计其数,但只有真正的朋友才会留下足迹.