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no 与…not… any的区别

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 22:42:42
no 与…not… any的区别
262 No可以修饰各种类型的名词:
He has no(=not any)wife,no friends,no money,no hope.
263 当主语为两个由no修饰的名词时,动词用单数形式:
No TV and no radio is(不是are)necessary for me.(但:A TV and a radio are necessary.)
No boy and no girl is admitted.
264 No和not都可构成否定句,但意思有些差别:
There is no person,not a(较强调)person,not a single(最强调)person in the house.
No(or Not a,Not a single)customer came.
I have no(or not a,not a single)house in this area.
Not a drop of rain has fallen.(“Not a+可数名词+of+不可数名词”是比较强调的形式)
No a morsel of food has he eaten.
He does not know a word of English.
I have not got a wink of sleep.
He has no patience at all,no patience whatever(or whatso-ever),not the least patience.(这是另一些强调的否定形式)
He has no ghost of(=not)an idea about love.
There is no more milk.(用no时较文气)
There is not any more milk.(not any是口语化说法)
I want nothing to eat.
I don't want anything to eat.
He can find his keys no where.
He can not find his keys anywhere.
I think of him as no friend of mine.
I do not think of him as any friend of mine.
He sent it to nobody.
He did not send it to anybody.
He is in no position to help you.
He is not in any position to help you.
Say it no more.
Don't say it any more.
265 在简短回答中,no比 not any更好一些:
Where is he going? Nowhere.(比not anywhere更好)
What did he say? Nothing.(比not anything更好)
Who knows it?Nobody.
Which of the two is right?Neither.
How many(or much) do you want? None.
266 No也可用在某些类型的句子中,有比较强调的意义:
There is no comparison between the two.(= It is impossible to make any comparison between the two.)
There is no arguing with him.(= It is impossible to argue with him.)
There is no denying that the earth is round.
No talking in class.(=One should not talk in class.)
No smoking here.
No chance(or No way,No dice,No ded).(=Impossible.)
No admittance except on business.
No dogs(or No children) are allowed.
268 No可用在简短回答中:
Do you see it? No(= I don't see it).
Don't you see it?No(=I don't see it).
Don't you see it?Yes(=I see it).
Hasn't he come? No(= He hasn't come).
Hasn't he come? Yes(= He has come).
May I smoke? Yes(=You may).
Would you mind my smoking? No(=I wouldn't mind= You may smoke).
269 No也常常用在比较级前:
He is no richer than(= as poor as) me.
比较: He is not richer than me.(Both are rich.)
He has no more than(=as little as) five dollars.
He owes me no less than(=as much as)a thousand dollars.
He is no better a scholar than a schoolboy(= as ignorant as a schoolboy).
She sings no better than(= as poorly as) a crow.
He is no less attacked by his friends than by his enemies.
No fewer than a hundred persons were present.
He can no more drive a car than I can fly(= He cannot drive a car just as I cannot fly).
I can do no less(or no more) than(= cannot but) laugh.
270 No可以和 more连用,意思接近 neither(也不):
Nobody can do it,no more can I(不是 I can).(=I can do it no more than anybody.=Nobody can do it,neither can I.)
He did not tremble,no more did I.(=I trembled no more than he.)
John is not silly,no more is Mary.
271 No otherwise也是一个短语,表示“只是”,“不会其他”:
He is no otherwise afraid than(=only afraid) of his lessons.
He does no otherwise than (=nothing but) eat and sleep.
He will become a beggar,and no otherwise(= definitely).
272 Whether… or no和 whether or not意思差不多,多用在名词从句中:
I do not know whether he is well again or no(or or not).
I will inquire whether he will come or no.
I do not know whether or no(or not) he is well again.
I will inquire whether or no he will come.
It is a question of whether he likes it or no.
Whether or no(or not) he will agree is unknown.
You should not be angry whether you are right or no(or or not).(Whether…or no在这里引出的是一个表示让步的状语从句)
You should not be angry whether or no(or not) you are right.
273 Nothng可以用作副词,表示“一点也不”,“绝不”:
I care(or think) nothing(or little) about it.
He is nothing discouraged.
This helps us nothing(= never helps us,concerns us noth-ing).
This is nothing less than(=equal to)robbery.
It is nothing easier.
This is nothing(like)(=not at all)so easy as that.
(比较 Nobody else is anythiny(like)(=in any way)so hon-est as he.)
Nothing much has been said.
Nothing very much has happened.
He is nothing better than before.
295 “none+the+比较级+ for 或because”可表示“并不因此就,……一些”:
He is none the happier for his wealth(= He is still unhappy in spite of his wealth).
He is none the happier because he is wealthy.(比较: He is still unhappy,although he is wealthy.)
The book is none the more interesting for its illustrations.
She looks none the less pretty(=none the homelier) because of her simple dress.
比较:He is all the happier for his wealth.(=He is happier because of his wealth.)
He is all the happier because he is wealthy.(=He is happier because he is wealthy.)
We passed our holiday none too(=not very) gaily(=very un-happily).
296 None可以和 too或so一起用,表示not very:
They love each other none too well.
It is none too easy(=very difficult).
She is none so(=not very) pretty.
He is none so kind.
297 None偶尔用来修饰动词,但很少见:
I slept none(=never slept) last night.
We have stopped none(=have never stopped).
298 “一个否定句+and+否定谓语”可表示“只要……就……”:
One cannot see her and not love her.(= One can't but love her when one sees her.)
You must not be employed here and do nothing.(= You must do something when you are employed here.)
Nobody will read it and not be moved.(=Everybody will be moved when he reads it.)
Can you do it and not be criticized?(=Can you not be criti-cized when you do it?)
Can anybody see her and not be charmed?(=Can't anybody be charmed when he sees her?)
299 “否定主语+谓语+but+谓语”可用来表示“不……而是……”或“只有……才……”:
Nobody may enter but must(=but one must) stay outside.
None of them may criticize their government,but must(=but they must) keep silent.
No rule can make one wise,but should(= but it should) be wisely observed.
Neither stayed at home,but(= but either)fooled around.
Few were shocked at the news,but(=but many)remained indifferent.
300 在口语中有时有人作重复否定,实际上只有一个否定意思,这是不规范语言:
Nobody never went there.(=Nobody went there.)
I can't do nothing.(= I can do nothing.)
He never spoke with no foreigner.(= He never spoke with any foreigner.)
There was no man,no horse,no tree,no nothing.
Nobody hardly(=Almost nobody) knows it.
It don't do you no good. But don't you worry none(=Don't worry).
在非正式场合用的口语中,有时会用一个多余的 not:
I wonder whether I shouldn't(=should) take a chance.
I shouldn't be surprised if he didn't tell(=told) you a lie.
I doubt whether he can't(=can) pay the debt.
301 对问题如何作肯定或否定的回答是一个有意思的问题,特别是当里面包含有 any,either,ever,at all,yet,far,long,many,much这类词时.这类词通常用在否定、疑问及条件(从)句中,很少用在肯定句中,这时就要用其他词代替它们:
A.Can he find it anywhere?
B.He can find it somewhere.
C.No,he can't find it anywhere(or: No,he can find it nowhere).
A.Did you ever play tennis? Did you play tennis at all?
B.I sometimes played it.I played it in a way.
C.But i didn't ever play(= never played) it.I didn't play it at all.
A.Did he fool around any more(or any longer)?
B.He still fooled around.
C.No,he didn't fool around any more(or any longer).
A.I can't go,but can't you go either?
B.If you can go,I can go too.
C.If you can't go,I can't go either.
A.Has he done his homework yet?
B. He has done it already.
C.I think he has not done it yet.
A.Did anyone steal anything any more?
B.Someone still stole something.
C.No,no-one stole anything any more.
A.Did he go far to meet her? Had she waited long?
B.Yes,he went a long way and she had waited a long time.
A.I have not many friends,and not much time to spend.
B.But your husband has agreat many friends,and plenty of time to spend among girls.
再问: 能否简单点儿
再答: 这里有很多例句。其实没多少的