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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:54:17
Beethoven 1770 was born on December 16, not far from the Rhine French town Bonn. He was born in his family, a music miscanthus family. His grandfather is spreading, the royal philharmonic orchestra Bonn is long, father is an alcoholic tenor. His mother is a maid, the daughter of a cook. Beethoven was has revealed his music, his father to put his talent cultivating a like Mozart that child prodigy, he was alone and violin at home all day, or force in the harpsichord by practice. Eight years old when he began to music concert in already and try, but his composition in this period of music education has been that is very messy and no system. Twelve years old, he had to play, but as a saint admont division (nie Christian Gottlob Neefe, 1748-1798) assistant. When he started to study music nie fee. Nie fee is a talented musician as well, with various he expanded vision of art, Beethoven was familiar with German classical art Beethoven some outstanding examples, and consolidate the purpose of Beethoven. Beethoven's formal learning and systematic education, actually is careful and nie fee start training fee also lead him, nie in 1787 to Vienna in Mozart. Mozart was heard him playing Beethoven's prophecy, one will shake the world. Beethoven to Vienna soon got the mother's death, he had to immediately back to Bonn. Due to the family, until 1792 autumn when his father died, he came to the second, but then Mozart Vienna has gone. Beethoven's second to Vienna, quickly won the most outstanding player in Vienna (especially improvisation).贝多芬1770年12月16日生于莱茵河畔距法国不远的小城—波恩.他出生于夫拉芒家族,一个音乐世家.他的祖父叫鲁特维克,是波恩宫廷乐团的乐团长,父亲是一个酗酒的男高音歌手.他的母亲是一个女仆,一个厨子的女儿.贝多芬自幼便已显露出他的音乐天分,父亲急于把他培养成为一个像莫扎特那样的神童,从小就把他一人和提琴关在家里,或整天逼在羽管键琴旁边练习.八岁时他已开始在音乐会上表演并尝试作曲,但是,他在这段时期中所受的音乐教育一直是非常零乱和没有系统的.十二岁时,他已经能够自如地演奏,而且担任了管风琴师聂费(Christian Gottlob Neefe,1748-1798)的助手.就在这时他开始正式跟聂费学习音乐.聂费是一位具有多方面天才的音乐家,他扩大了贝多芬的艺术视野,使贝多芬熟悉了德国古典艺术的一些优秀范例,并巩固了贝多芬对崇高的目的的理解.贝多芬的正规学习和有系统的教养,实际上是从聂费的细心教导和培养开始的:聂费还引导他在1787年到维也纳就教于莫扎特 .莫扎特听过他的演奏之后,就预言有朝一日贝多芬将震动全世界.贝多芬到维也纳不久便接到母亲的死讯,他不得不立即赶回波恩.由于家庭的拖累,一直到1792年秋他父亲死后,他才第二次来到维也纳,但这时莫扎特却已不在人世了.贝多芬第二次来到维也纳后,很快地便赢得了维也纳最卓越的演奏家(特别是即兴演奏)的称谓.