作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 04:13:40
1、What are you going to do tomorrow?How about going to buy Michael Jackson's CDs? --------Sounds great. 2、I had my bike repaired yesturday,and I am going to have somebody repair my radio tomorrow. 3、The way in which she did the experiment was quite diffeent from what the other students used to. 4、Would you please keep silent?The weather report is being broadcast and I want to listen. 5、It will not be long before we know the result of the experiment 6、John failed his final exam.I'm not surprised at the news at all. After all,he is never seen busy with his lessons. 7、As time goes by,computers are made smaller and smaller and nobody knows for sure how small they can be made but there must be a limit. 8、The tescher suggested that much attention should be paid to the spelling mistakes. 9、The concert was such a success that she become famous overnight. 10、She had just finished her homework after her mother asked her to practice playing the piano. 11、There's no light on------they can't be at home. 12、With the number of customers increasing,the owner has to set more chairs and desks in the restaurant. 13、Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, as if they heard nothing.
解题思路: 如下
1. 你明天打算做什么?去买迈克尔.杰克逊的唱片怎么样?--听起来好极了。
2. 我昨天维修了我的自行车,明天我要去找人修我的收音机。
3. 她做实验的方法与其他学生过去做过的大不相同。
4. 请安静一下好吗?天气预报要播出了,我想听一下。
5. 过不了多久我们就知道实验结果了。
6. 约翰期末考试没及格。听到这个消息我一点也不感到惊讶 。毕竟,从未见他忙于功课。
7. 随着时间的推移,电脑被制造得越来越小,没有人确切地知道它们到底多小,但是一定有一个极限。
8. 老师建议我们应该注意拼写错误。
9. 音乐会大获成功使她一夜成名。
10. 她刚完成作业她妈妈就让她练习弹钢琴。
11. 灯没有亮------他们不可能在家里。
12. 随着顾客数量的增加,店主必须在饭店内设置更多的桌椅。
13. 他们中的许多人对他的建议充耳不闻,好像什么也没听到。